8 Jan 2014

Getting Back On Track!

I'm finally starting to feel a little bit better this year - I'm still struggling to hear properly but I've finally made it out of my bed and I'm looking forward to getting back into work, though I'm going to try and ease myself back into it slowly. In my last blog post I mentioned I was thinking about new years resolutions and goal setting for this year and I am so totally thrilled with the advice you lovely peeps have shared that I thought I would pass it on!

The Greatest Wealth Is Health ~ Virgil

If you treat your body like crap, you're going to feel crap. I've just stocked up on vitamins (I'm terrible for not taking them, my dad always goes on about it!) and have decided that taking care of myself and trying to keep on top of taking supplements really needs to be much higher up on my to do list. With November and December being such busy months for us I totally slipped on my general health. It's super easy to burn the candle at both ends and not give yourself time to recover. Being so sick now has had quite the effect on getting back into the swing of things and getting stuck in. Once I've gotten rid of this I have no intentions of running myself into the ground again!

There Is No Diet What Will Do What Eating Healthy Does.

And on that note, I've been making a lot of bad choices in my diet recently - I have definitely overindulged over the holidays! I don't believe in going on actual diets because I think that you only crave the bad stuff more when you say 'no' to it, which tends to lead into a binge and bad emotions... well that's how I work at any rate! If you want my opinion, don't cut out 'bad' food, just eat it in moderation. As soon as you say no to yourself you're going to obsess over it and that's when things get tricky. Keep an eye on your calorie count - you will be amazed what you'll learn and you'll probably find it often puts you off making the wrong choices. 

Being able to keep on top of a good diet since I've been sick has been remarkably tricky as I've not been able to cook. Fortunately the wonderful Kim of A Blackbirds Epiphany blogged about a company called ilumi that makes healthy ready meals that don't contain any milk, gluten or nuts. She was even kind enough to share a link that contained £10 off a £25 order. I don't usually go for things like these as they're often quite expensive and I can be a fussy eater, but with the discount (and it was free shipping) and having a quick look at the menu it seemed like the perfect way to eat better and feel better without the hassle of trying to cook myself! My box of treats has just arrived and for £15 I've got around 12 meals covered. I'm looking forward to trying them out and letting you know how I get on with them :) Thanks Kim! It's going to be a really helpful way to get myself back on track with portion size and better options. I'm looking forward to hitting the kitchen as soon as I've stopped sniffling!

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'Im Possible' ~ Audrey Hepburn

Finally, I mentioned that I've been struggling with setting goals for the year and finding a way to keep them. Kim wrote an amazing comment on the previous post sharing her tips on how to set a big goal and how to break it down into several smaller and more manageable goals that can be achieved monthly. It's simple, but it's totally spot on! 

Then, incredibly, the lovely Helen of Jolly Good shared this amazing link to a free practical kit and diary to help keep track of your main goals and mini goals which was created by Do What You Love. As you can see from the first picture in this post, it looks pretty sweet and it's jam packed full of helpful ways to work out what it is that you want and how to break it down into manageable chunks. I've printed mines out and started working my way through what it is I want to achieve and how it is I'm going to do it. I have to admit, I'm a little overwhelmed, but I think that's from being under the weather. Having something solid to look at is going to be really helpful to keep track of what I'm doing and how I'm going to do it :) Thanks so much for sharing this Helen - you're a total star!

Once I'm a little more organised I'm going to post up on how I got on with last years goals and what I'm hoping to achieve next. I know that one or two things will be carried over, but I'm kinda looking forward to upping my game to tick them off this year :) 

What's on your list for goals in 2014?
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  1. Have you heard of a book called 'The Handmade Marketplace' by Cari Chapin? I have found it invaluable for those getting myself going moments. It's really helped me focus my business and she talks a lot about breaking goals down in to intentions to make it seems more achievable... you end up with a glorified 'to do' list and it's wonderful! I have covered this year with goals, and each month is broken down in to intentions and I have alreadyu ticked off one of the major, major ones!! Thank you for the New Years Revolution link, I'll definitely be printing that out! And feel better soon xxx xxx

    1. I have :) I read it a really long time ago though, I think I might pick it up again and see how I've gotten on and how I can improve! Thanks so much for the reminder! Well done for getting one of your major ones covered already - I hope your continue getting incredible things done :D xx

  2. This was the boost// kick up the back side I was looking for : )

    Faded Windmills

    1. Haha! Good times Gemma, I'm glad it's helped the two of us :D

  3. You're welcome :) Hope it continues to be helpful. Mine seemed to take quite a while to fill in but I'm hoping, now that's done, it'll be a breeze to monitor my progress and keep motivated. Fingers crossed! Xx
