6 Jan 2014

Under The Weather...

Hello peeps! We hope you've all had a cracking holiday! Unfortunately for me, I've been stuck in bed feeling absolutely broken. I'm not quite sure what it is that I've caught, but I know one thing for sure - it's totally rotten! I don't think I've ever spent this much time in my bed before, and it's truly starting to bum me out... it's not exactly how I thought I'd be starting the new year, but I'm going to try and turn that around as soon as I can. To try and get back into the swing of things on the blog, I thought I would share a few snaps from our mini-holiday...

As you will notice, it mostly revolved around eating and drinking, which is pretty much mandatory for the season! There was the posh dinner with my mum, a homemade mac n cheese feast and an obsession with tiny cucumbers in eldeflower and hendricks cocktails (see below)

How amazing is that tiny cucumber! Also, totally loving our new 'His' and 'Hers' highball glasses which was a super lovely Christmas gift :D

We went through to Glasgow for the day which was actually a really nice day despite this amazing picture I took of the rain on the window from the bus driving through.  Doesn't it look like a painting?

Indulging aside, I've been thinking a lot about getting a new tattoo recently so I've been sketching away at a few ideas that I'm really excited about. I'm not sure where I'll get it but I'll be sure to blog about it when I'm nearer to getting it done :) 
Besides that we've been trying to come up with some goals and resolutions for the next year. One is defo going to be sorting out the studio and we're both keen to read, draw and walk more but I'm struggling a little with setting out what goals we want to achieve... If anyone has any good links on setting tangible goals and how to keep them we'd love to hear about it! Hit me up with some inspiration peeps - I need to get motivated and get out of this bed :)
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  1. Set one big goal, but set milestones as well. Such as, if I wanted to lose a stone by the end of the year, I'd have mini goals of losing about 1-2 pounds a month. If I wanted 100 items in my shop by the end of the year and currently had 50, I'd divide the 50 across the 12 months. If your goal is a big one with no milestones, you're likely to procrastinate and say "future me can do it!" when in 6 months time, future you will be grumbling and cursing past you for not starting even a month sooner.

    Also, know your limits. If you set goals that you know in your heart to be unachievable for you, either set a fallback goal, ie if I can't lose a stone, then losing 10 pounds would do, though I'd still aim for the stone. Also, don't be afraid to re-evaluate your goals at the end of January. A lot of people set silly goals thinking a year will be long enough when it won't be, and by the end of January they find they're making no headway at all and they give up entirely. Re-assessing or adjusting goals isn't cheating if it's done early enough and only once or twice, but trying to stick to something personally impossible will be more likely to lead to failure.

    What is it, in your heart of hearts, you want? It's quite simple to find out. Look at your business, then compare it - what are you going to be comparing it to? Most likely what you want it to become, without realising it. Analyse what that is, write it down, pick it apart, and then minimise it so that it's achievable this year. There's always next year for advancing it closer to that point again.
    If it's about your life, look at what you see yourself doing. Going out more? Travelling? Meeting people? Get out of the front door and you're already making a start. If it's weight or fitness, then just get off the sofa and do a few jumping jacks and once again you're making a good start. Instrument? Buy one and play with it whether it makes an awful sound or not - I gave up on the violin because of that and I really regret it.

    I feel like I'm blathering. Basically, don't procrastinate, or overanalyse things, just do what you think you should do, what feels right. For me, I'd like to see my jewellery in some magazines, so the only thing I can think to do is harras--approach some editors and advertisers and so on and see what I can manage, while making sure my photos are print-worthy, too.

    1. Wow Kim! What an incredibly helpful comment! Thank you so much :D You've made some really great points and I'm defo going to take a leaf out of your book... There's so many things I'd love to achieve this year but it's nailing them down that I struggle with so I think I'm going to sit down when I feel a little better and write them out till I've got nothing left :) I might tap you for some motivational advice later ;) hee hee! One thing I promised myself at the end of last year was to be a little bit better with birthdays (The only one I remember is my own!) And despite being really ill, I've been very organised and managed to get everyone sorted in advance this year - that's 4 birthdays totally taken care of (2 England, 1 Scotland and 1 in America!) A pretty good start if you ask me! Here's hoping I can keep it up ;)
      Thanks Kim! I hope you manage to get in lots of Magazines and then some :B xx

  2. Feel better soon! Mac n cheese will surely sort you out?

    1. Thanks hunny! You know, I freaking love a Mac N Cheese but I think it's probably prolonged my sinus issues - cheese is the worst for that. . . not that it stopped me ;) A small price to pay! hee hee

  3. Being ill is rubbish! Hope you feel better soon. Loving your foodie pics, especially that cute cucumber (and the drink accompanying it).

    For setting goals I've been using the new year revolution pack from this site -http://dowhatyouloveforlife.com. Just starting out with it but enjoying it so far. X

    1. Thanks so much Helen!
      OMG! This pack is actually perfect :D I can't believe how great and simple it is - plus it's totally free! Thank you so much for the link, I'm printing out the calendar as we speak. I forsee a blog post coming along :D You're a total star! Thank you!
      I wish you the best of luck with all your goals for 2014 ... if one for January was 'inspire someone else' you can tick that off your list :) xx

  4. OMG that looks so yummilicious <3 the pasta is looking so mouth-watering I can almost smell it <3 you're a good cook vickyyy sweetie...

    1. You're so sweet :D Thanks Nejia! Mac n Cheese is always a winner!
