13 Jan 2014

Goals for 2014

This weekend I've been having quite the think about new goals to set myself for 2014. I think we've done really well with the ones we set for ourselves last year, but there is still one we need to tackle... sort of at any rate! This year I've decided to create a few more goals, but they're a bit more personal than just Vivid focussed. I'm a little nervous that I've bitten off more than I can chew, but it's all about getting out of your comfort zone, isn't it?

So, in summery, last year we managed to:
1) Take our little stall on the road to Glasgow, Dundee and London which I am super proud of. Considering we live in Edinburgh and don't drive I'd say that's mighty impressive!
2) We defo managed to grow our business; we doubled sales in our Etsy shop from February till December which is pretty crazy, plus we exhibited our work and started selling through new stores which is spectacular.
3) Having traveled to Hawaii and Florida this year (both trips of a lifetime, never to be afforded again!) I know for sure we certainly made time to have more fun in our lives!
4) I guess I can say that I've improved on organisation - there is no way you can pack all of that into one year without some kind of organisation that's for sure! Still, I think I can improve and plan to work on this more this year... actually I foresee this being one that I'm never satisfied with, but I'll always be trying!
5) The only thing we failed to tick off our list was setting up a website. Don't get me wrong, we are about 90% there and hit a major issue which totally floored us, so we made a supreme attempt to get it done and don't have much more to do once we've sorted out the issues...

All in all, I think I'd give myself a 7 / 10 for last years achievements - there is always room for improvement but some things are out of your hands!

Goals for 2014

1) Take a photo a day. I do take a lot of photos, but lately it's been rather sporadic. It's often an after thought at the moment and that's something I definitely want to change. I'll be sharing more of me and David too I reckon. You're only young once!

2) Do a drawing a day. Like the photography side of things, I feel like I've not being drawing enough lately. I bought a beautiful new sketchbook from Kate Spade and each day I'm going to add in one illustration. It doesn't need to be a whole page or something really intrinsic or anything, it just needs to be daily (and not a stick man!)

3) Learn how to drive I am pretty, pretty scared of driving. It may sound silly, but other drivers frighten the crap out of me... as do roundabouts which are pretty much my arch nemesis! I've been learning on and off for years and I think that this year I need to just embrace it and get it done. I'm always full of excuses and I just need to stop - I reckon putting it on the blog will actually push myself to prove myself wrong. If any of you have some kind of magical advice on how to overcome the phobia I'm all ears!

4) Learn a new thing (... or many new things!!) I think I might start off with taking a yoga class and take it from there. As I mentioned previously I've been doing really great with taking all my vitamins and trying to eat well since being so ill, so this feels like another great thing to take on without pushing myself too hard. I'm hoping to do lots of other things too, like properly learning to play my ukulele and learning a new craft but I'm going to leave it a little open for now.

5) Do up Vivid HQ This has been something that's been hanging over me for months and it's seriously bumming me out. I've been wanting to clear out, paint and fix up the place but I've not had the time of energy to do so. I've started going through stuff today and have already done a charity shop run but we have heaps to go through still. I've got a whole bunch of dresses, jewellery and oddities like vinyl toys that I'd love to go to a good home so I think I'm going to add a 'shop my wardrobe' sort of section to the blog so you can get first dibs if you want it. This is going to be the year I let go of stuff!

6) Grow as a business I'd like to get more stockists, more magazine coverage and do more collaborations this year. That means upping our game, but I'm quite excited to see what's in store for us. It seems to me the bar has been set quite high from last year which is kinda terrifying but also pretty thrilling. You can't run your own business if you don't enjoy the madness, I can tell you that for sure!

7) Web it up! This year, I'm going to get that website up. Full stop, end of story. I'm going to try and write more blog posts about running your own business and working creatively, I'd quite like to get back into my DIY posts, feature posts and create some outfit posts and write up more reviews. We also have plans to open up our blog to advertisers too. Exciting stuff!

So, I think it's safe to say that I have quite a lot of plans for the next 12 months. I think I'm going to make a note of every time I achieve something great and pop it in my giant poodle cookie jar - it's a fun way to celebrate, make use of the most random thing I've ever purchased (thanks Anthro sale!) and I'll have something really lovely to open and look back on come December 31st....

I hope I can look back on this post in 2015 and be as proud as I am of my previous achievements :) Only time will tell!

How about you? What have you got planned for your goals this year? If you're looking for a free printable diary with an aid to help you make (and keep!) yours, you can find one at the end of this post

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  1. Great Goals!!! I think you guys had a super 2013 (very jealous of your trips) and if 2014 is going to be anything like that you will have a blast and be super successful.

    I did yoga for a while last year and should really get back into it. It was a great way to start the weekend.

    My main goals are to push forward with my little biz and stay on top of my home life with a cleaning rota and meal plans. Basically I want to be a domestic goddess ha!

    1. Thanks lovely! Oh, I never thought of doing it on a Saturday morning, but that really does sound like a great way to start the weekend :D Great tip!
      I think you're going to have an absolutely amazing 2014. I have every faith that you'll be the most fabulous of all the domestic goddesses there is too! Can't wait to see how you get on with your secret project - I have my fingers crossed for you! x

  2. Love all your goals! I've got to admit a few of them are in the back of my mind as well like drawing and photographing more!

    1. Yaaay! I think you should do it, I've been really enjoying it thus far :D it's a great way to hone your skills and play with ideas that you're not sure if you want to develop too. The only tricky part is not forgetting to do it!
      Good luck with your goals n Happy New Year!

  3. I was pretty terrified of driving too, but my instructor was super great and now I am a LOT better (still failed my test 3 times now though, ahaha) and a lot less scared. Its actually quite fun when you start actually doing it, but I still dont really look forward to my lessons. Eeek!

    I use Goodsie for my website, they've recently made it really easy to add and change things so you can add lots of content. It's pretty great, you should check it out (I think you can try it for free) if you're looking around. :)

    1. Thanks so much for the advice! I've already failed it once, then I totally lost my bottle. You're right though, when you get into the swing of it it does get a little easier, but it's getting there that's the tricky part! Glad to hear I'm not alone with this one though - I hope you manage to nail it 4th time round :)

      Thanks so much for the Goodsie recommendation, I'm going to go have a look into that for sure. It's super great to know that they're reliable and easy to work with - I've had enough web related nonsense for a lifetime! Ha!

  4. Yay, bring on 2014! Looks like it's going to be a busy and fabulous year for you. Can't wait to read all about. Xx

    1. Thanks so much Helen! I certainly hope so :D I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on through Jolly Good too! Good luck missy :)

  5. Sounds like 2013 was a great year and I wish you the best in 2014! You have a great list of goals for the year and hearing you talk so passionately about them, I know you'll succeed :)

    1. What a lovely message Memories For Life! Thank you so much for the encouragement :) I hope you've had a great start to the year - best of luck to you and your goals too!

  6. Driving is a lot of fun! I live in the suburbs, so it's not like we have a choice, but even if we ever move downtown I think we'd keep the car. I really like it.

    Good luck learning something new, too! My goal is to re-learn my stupid sewing machine. Ugh.

  7. Best of luck with your goals of twenty-fourteen =)
    My goals are just to gain a little more weight (lol) :D and to write about what I feel. And be inspiring \^^/ ♥♥♥ :D

  8. I re learnt to drive at the end of 2013 (after ten years of not driving after about three months of practice and one of my goals for 2014 is to get confident at it!

  9. I think you did pretty good last year! Looking back I didn't accomplish half of what I wanted to.

    I wasn't a confident driver, but after driving in the LA area I had to figure it out and I improved because of it. It is scary because of other drivers! People are crazy.

    I too want to try yoga this year. I need to take more photos and draw more too. Your list has definitely inspired me to add more to mine! I really want to get a shop website up too outside of Etsy this year. Good luck! :)
