29 Jan 2014

Photo A Day {January}


Can you believe it's almost the end of January already? It's been a slow start for me thus far - I just started to feel better and on Monday I got some other bug and now I'm sick again! I'm not having the best of luck with the lurgy I guess... but I'm doing a little bit better with my resolutions! I thought I would share a couple of pictures from my 'Photo A Day' project today... I've actually used several in posts this month but here are a few more that I thought I would share with you :)

veggi haggis for Burns Night!

Good times & happy days!
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  1. You definitely drew me in with the Poptarts, yum! I wish I had started this at the beginning of the year, even simple photos can bring back some great memories.

    1. Haha! Thanks Edinburgh Ettiquette :D You have a day left in the month - why not start it in February? Or you could do a project a month? Maybe today you do a photo an hour to make up for lost time? Don't let 30 days ruin a whole year of project possibilities ;) It's never too late!

  2. You poor thing! Hope you feel better soon. Mind you, those pop tarts are enough to make anyone feel better!!

    Hugs x

    1. Thanks so much Claire! I'm feeling a little bit better today, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was absolutely exhausted. If only I had the patience to stay in bed! Pop tarts defo take the edge off - I'm particularly into the strawberry ones at the moment :B Hot fudge is pretty immense too though - shame they're so expensive, but then again, I bet my waist line disagrees with that! haha
