30 Jan 2014

DIY: Birthday Cake Bark Recipe

Make every day feel like your birthday with this delicious Birthday Cake Bark recipe! 
I finally got my hands on some vibrant sprinkles - I've been after these for ages and had to order them online (in the UK we only have bland coloured ones, no doubt because of naughty E numbers!) And to celebrate I've whipped up a fresh batch of Birthday Cake Bark :D A ridiculously easy diy that's bound to bring even the grumpiest of people a smile...

In America there is so many awesome boxes of Funfetti cake batter - thats how everyone is making adorable cakes with sprinkles in them. Multicoloured happiness in a box! Unfortunately here, we don't have such a concoction. Our cake batter is a yellow colour for a start as the ingredients haven't been bleached (truth!), so if you try sticking sprinkles into a standard batter, it'll probably turn out tinged green and a little bit sad. I've only heard of sad tales from friends and thus have been royally put off!

Needless to say, I'm not going to give up on bringing some funfetti joy into my life :P In the spirit of chasing rainbows, this little recipe is quick, easy and definitely very Vivid!

You'll need:
100g White Chocolate
1 heaped tablespoon cake mix (sifted)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence (add more as you go along if you have a sweeter tooth!)

I thought it would be best to start you off with a small batch *I say you, I mean me - I won't be sharing* but this recipe is easy to make for people in their hundreds by doubling up :) Do your worst!

To make, break up the white chocolate into small pieces and place in a heatproof bowl over boiling water (a bain-marie). Stir until the chocolate has melted and take off the heat. Add in the cake mix (I used just a regular sponge mix, nothing too fancy) and stir until mixed well. Finally, add in the vanilla essence and give it another good stir. The mixture might be a little bit grainy, but it shouldn't have any lumps or anything in it (sifting helps!). Have a little taste to see if you need a little more vanilla or cake mix; mine is pretty sweet already, but it depends how big your celebration is ;)

Once you're happy with the flavour, pour the mixture out onto a tray lined with a baking sheet. Using a spatula, spread out the mixture till it's 0.5 cm thick (I like my bark like shards!) and go WILD with those sprinkles! Give them a gentle pat down when you're done to make sure they're stuck in and set aside to harden in a cool place (takes around an hour)

It's like Jazzies! Now all you need to do is eat it :B Cute, sweet and oh so darling - definitely a treat worth ordering sprinkles for!

Happy Making!

PS! If anyone fancy's sending me some of that Funfetti cake mix, I'll trade you a print :B

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  1. Oooh looks yummy! I love jazzies so might try this myself! :P
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

  2. I'm not really sure how I stumbled across your blog, but I live in the US and am an avid fan of the funfetti cake mix! If you really want some I will be more than happy to send you a box (or five!) Email me at jademariemartin@gmail.com. Also, your candy bark looks delish!

    1. YAY!! Thank you so much for getting in touch Jade, I'm so happy :D I'll drop you an email and we can talk sugar ;) Absolutely amazing - you just made my day! x

  3. Ummmm Jazzies, (those sweets that you always end up eating just a few too many of and feel a teeny bit sick! - unless you are also drinking tea when you can eat loads with limited danger of overload) This looks so tasty, but is that cake mix raw? Does it taste of raw cake mix or just dead chocolatey? I'm tempted to try but I don't normally buy cake mix, I just make dead simple sponge cakes with regular ingredients, is this so awesome it's worth me investing in a box of mix? (We already have loads of sprinkles in the cupboard so no worries there)

    1. Totally! The tea counteracts the sugar or something, right? haha!
      The cake mix is dry - there are no raw eggs involved if that's what you mean. I've done one with a 26p basics sponge mix from the supermarket and it turned out ok :D Maybe try that before spending the big bucks... It tastes very sweet and still pretty chocolatey. It's kinda hard to describe!
      Maybe you could try it with what you usually use (flour, sugar etc) Experiments lead to the greatest discoveries! Good luck :)
