28 Feb 2014

Snail Mail Sending Deadline!

Just a little reminder to all our wonderful Snail Mail Traders! The deadline for sending out your package of happiness is almost upon us! Please make sure you have sent your goodies to your partner by tomorrow to make sure it arrives in good time :)

If you've been super lucky and your surprise has already been sent to you, please drop me a wee email with a picture of what fantastical treasures you've been given :)
I'd love to do a great big blog post to show all our other lovely readers what we've been up to (and to show you how amazing you've all been!)

....Don't worry if you ate the candy already, it'll be our little secret!



  1. I was off work sick yesterday and my parcel arrived. it was AMAZING so I shall be blogging it very soon xx

    1. That's so so great! I've had a wonderful amount of emails coming through from participants who said they were having a crappy day and their parcel arrived just in the nick of time to cheer them up :D Isn't that amazing?!
      I cant wait to see what you got - the round up blog post is looking great with all these pictures!
      I hope you feel better soon miss xx
