27 Jun 2012

Etsy Front Page!

Last night our lovely Make & Do note pad made it onto the front page of Etsy!
We were really excited to see it live and super proud of ourselves to have managed to get on there. Like all achievements, we felt it deserved a wee treat and a good pat on the back!
Partake in our celebrations and join us for a giant frappachino and a cookie the size of my head :D Good times and happy days!
Thanks for all your support lovelies x


  1. OH WOW WELL DONE!! Oh I'm so glad it finally happened! I always look out for you in newsletters too ♥ Congratufrickinglations!

  2. Congratulations! It feels pretty awesome to be on the Front Page doesn't it?

  3. Thanks everyone!
    It does feel pretty awesome to have been posted on the fp, especially in such a beautiful treasury!
    Super proud :D

  4. Congrats on making the front page on Etsy! YEAH! Did you get a boost in sales & a lot more views?

    I would be oh, so happy if you joined us at Tuesday Alchemy http://tuesdayalchemy.blogspot.com

    Lots of joy!

  5. Congrats! That frappachino is well deserved!

  6. Yayyyyy!!!!! This is where the real life begins!!!!!!

  7. Aww guys! Thanks so much for all the support, it's super appreciated and so lovely to hear :D We hope you all get a shot on there soon too! xox

  8. Congrats! That's so awesome!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Janice! Your support is really appreciated :)

  10. Congoo <3
    P.S. I wanted to know your instagram, so that I could follow you

    1. Thanks Nejia!
      We're actually no longer on Instagram. You can follow us on twitter @VividPlease though :D
