13 Jul 2011

Snail Mail!


Our garden is full of snails at the moment and by-golly we are loving it!
Being such patient creatures they are perfect to photograph up close and personal...
Why anyone would want to eat these is just crazy!

Vivid Stationary Blank Note Cards

We have been very busy in Vivid HQ over the past few days. Due to a laptop meltdown (our charger literally melted!!) we have been offline and back to basics. What did the world do before the interweb? Write letters and make stuff - the two things we love the most!
Incredibly, our Polaroid notecards were featured in BrighidsHouse Say "Cheese" treasury list, which not only are we super in love with, but it was great timing too hee hee! Check out the other amazing top picks here... We want them all superbad - good work everyone!

Finally we are also delighted to give you a little peek at our new upcoming product which we will be sharing this with you on Friday .... ooooh!

We hope you are excited as we are!
Now we are off out for the day - with the sun out we feel a BBQ coming on.
Hooray for the summer!

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