14 Jul 2011


Ever wondered how much sweeter the world would be if we got rid of all the packaging?
This little video shows us how lovely life could be if we all banded together and used the things we already had to contain the things we need. Based from Austin, Texis, in.gredients are raising money to make their store dreams come true. How do we eliminate waste? Well, instead of creating packaging for every item, we bring our own! Thats right, re-using those jars and tubs to contain the things we need, when we need them. We are BIG fans of finding new uses for things! Not only is the concept environmentally friendly but you would also only buy what you need - who doesn't like to save on waste and save from their purse?! We hope this idea spreads like wildfire as we believe it is the future! To help make the dream come true click here
Good work in.gredients!

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