19 May 2011

Top Five Crushes from the Chinese Supermarket!

Vivid love our local Chinese Supermarket.
We often go and look at all of the wondrous items and dream of another world.
We do love a good supermarket snoop whilst on holiday too. Simple pleasures make the world go round and we love to see what everyone's simple pleasures are!
Here is our Top Five Crushes for our favourite discoveries...


We thought it was a little funny to find crackers that are so USA in our Chinese Supermarket... They look like little superhero's all lined up on the shelves and awaiting the taking; obviously we had to get some! If you ever come across these tasty SkyFlakes crackers you NEED to buy them. Not only are they a taste sensation, but each cracker has perforations meaning you can make one cracker 3 in two snaps. Tasty, Fun and Practical. Hooray!


Vivid bought this can of Crispy Baby Clams but are yet to open them... would you?!
Firstly, the can looks amazing. Secondly, I am not sure if we can handle the contents inside!
It's funny how something can be so acceptable in one place in the world and so fascinating in another. Crispy Baby Clam anyone? Hmmm....


Jasmine tea is a classic. Vivid have been fans for years; the first time My first experience of this cuppa was on a trip to Morrocco when I was little and I have never gone without since. It is amazing! However, we cant get over how ruddy great this packaging is - simple illustrations are the way forward for sure. Beautiful and delicious; YamaMotoYama have done a great job!


Kancho. Remember that name.
This little box of happy contains the cutest and yummiest little biscuits in the whole world. If you are from the western world you may have been fortunate enough to come across Cartoonies in your lunch bag when you were wee. Well, THESE ARE THEM! I know, we are super excited too. Hello Panda are close, but Kancho are our childhood pimped. Get in!


Last but certainly not least we have a pack of Marshmallow twists. A classic treat which only cost us 10p for the whole packet. Hello Sailor!
But check it out; the packet says one thing, and one thing only:
Vivid would love to see where these grow! Can you imagine?
Hooray for our local Chinese supermarket and all of the dreams and whimsy it contains.
Pop in to yours and go on holiday without leaving the street!

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