25 Apr 2014

What I wore... for a Nice stroll at dusk

What I loved about our time in Nice is that I never seemed to need a coat when I went out. I guess living in Scotland gives you a thicker layer of skin - a lot of French people seemed to be wearing them even when the sun was blazing. I can't wait for it to warm up here so I can abandon my sensible jacket again!

I actually bought this dress for only a few quid a while ago whilst out thrifting! It's amazing what you can find if you're going to flea markets and charity shops and look long enough. When I got it there were a few make up stains on it which I have to admit did put me off a little, but a good wash and this baby is as good as new! Don't write off someone's cast offs if they're a little bit tatty - show it a little bit of love and you can be onto a winner!

My 'call me' necklace is from Kate Spade and I found my lovely little shrug cardigan whilst wandering in the town centre I think the shop is called Mim? I've been searching the highstreet for a nice one of these for a crazy amount of time as the last one I bought has been worn to death :( I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this in Nice - and it was dirt cheap too - Good times!!

Another pair of Primark shoes today! I actually love buying their flat ballet shoes because they're really cheap and they last just as well as the ones that cost more money. These cost £4 and have so far lasted better than the pair that I spent £25 on... that's insane, isn't it? I might hate the gym, but I walk a crazy amount so I can get through flats fairly quickly. I don't feel so bad parting with them when they didn't cost a fortune... though I wish we could find a more ethical way to make them. I'd happily pay a little bit more if I knew it was going to the people that made them, but that the trouble with big companies these days. You just never know!


  1. lovey dress! nice pictures:)

  2. My hair was dyed in a very similar way when I was in college! I miss it!

    You look adorable; that's a great thrift score!

  3. Lovely shoes and I like the way you wear yellow and black together! Well done!

  4. You totally brought the sun out with this lovely dress <3
    New visitor from (Etsy www.vintagebyrachel.com)
    XO Rachel
