9 Apr 2014

Top 5 Things To Do In Monte Carlo

During our incredible break to Nice we decided to hop a train and take a day trip to Monte Carlo. At only 7€ return and 20 minutes away it would have been rude not to! Based in Monaco, this little Principality is famous for lots of things... namely its millionaires and the world famous Grand Prix. Despite being on a (very small) budget, I'm pleased to share that we certainly made the most of it! 

So, if you ever get the chance to visit, here are our 

Top 5 Things To Do In Monte Carlo!

1. Buy an expensive round of drinks at Cafe De Paris
There is nowhere better to sit and people watch than at Cafe De Paris. You've got the perfect view for spotting the billionaires and celebrities going in and out of the Monte Carlo Casino and .... at €6 for a black coffee they know how to charge for the experience too! This was the most expensive thing we did during our visit, and I have to admit that it's one of my favourite memories. Rich people often dress like oddballs - it's not often you get to sit and stare and still look like you've got a pretty penny yourself!

2. Buy a piece of jewellery
Chanel? Dior? Cartier? I WISH! But, after rubbing shoulders with the high earners, splashing out on a lovely little piece of jewellery seemed to be a natural pastime here. My new Victoria name necklace in gold will be a lovely wee reminder of what to aim for in life! One day I hope to be able to come back and buy a real one, but this little 10€ knock off from the harbour will do just fabulously for now ;) 

 3. Cross the finishing line
You can't visit Monte Carlo without crossing the Grand Prix finishing line! It's so amazing to see all the markings on the road beside the harbour. Whilst the race may only be a week long, these have a more permanent fixture and it was a delightful discovery during our adventure. They're currently doing the area up and putting in the seats and press boxes which gives a great idea of the scale of the event. It might have only been by foot, but we took great pleasure in crossing the finishing line!

4. Order a Martini
Whilst crossing the finishing line we noticed an amazing little bar hanging on the side of the hill that leads up towards the Place Du Casino. David was kinda reluctant to go in because it looked pretty classy, but when I saw that it was Happy Hour I figured it was worth a try. Not only is the harbour view incredible, but the cocktails were only 6€ each! A great place to try your first Martini if you ask me :D And while enjoying my favourite new drink, David shouted out "THIS IS THE PITS!" - no, not a terrible place to be, but we were in fact sitting right above the area used during the Grand Prix as the pits! Such a pleasant surprise - and an incredible view! I bet you'd have to have billions to sit in this seat during the races... It just goes to show you'll never know what you'll find when you go on an adventure!

5. Place a bet
The Monte Carlo Casino is not only incredibly famous, but it is incredibly beautiful inside too... Unfortunately they don't let you take your cameras in (they can afford to be as strict as they like!) so you'll just have to use your imagination of the wonders that you might discover. We decided to end things on a high and place a bet alongside the high rollers. I'm no gambler, but I've always wanted to try my luck on a game of roulette. I put the last of my money on Dix Noir (10 Black) and lost it all, but the excitement and story was worth the money - the second time they played my number came up! Such is life ;)

It just goes to show that you don't need to be a millionaire to enjoy an affluent place like Monte Carlo. We certainly had a grand day out and, being one of the most beautiful places to get lost in, I certainly hope we get the chance to come back again one day. 
If you ever get the chance to go, we hope this little bucket list comes in handy... we'd love to hear how you'd place your bet too!


  1. My cousin prosposed to his fella at the Monte Carlo grande prix :-)

    Gorgeous picture with your cocktail! Loving that watermelon dress and hoping it will be in an outfit post soon teehee!

    1. That's a great story!
      Aww thanks so much sweetie :D Oh yes, that little gem will be making its debut next week heehee x

  2. Gorgeous pics, Vicky! Such beautiful streets, and you look super classy with your Martini :D I love that poster in the last picture!

  3. Sounds like you had a ball! :D
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

  4. nice, st. tropez et monte carlo are on my 'must visit' list. thx for sharing this :) x
