11 Mar 2014

30 Things To Do Before 30 - What Would You Do?

As I'm getting older I'm definitely starting to think more about what I want to achieve in my days. Whilst I still have youth on my side, I want to make sure I feel like I made the most of it when I'm old and rocking that blue-rinse hairdo that I'm always on about. One thing I've learned in my twenties so far is that life is short, precious, and by gosh you have to make the most of it. With that in mind, in January I thought I would collate a list of things I'd like to achieve before I turn 30.

So I started doing a bit of research online about what people tend to put on these lists... and after ruling out thing's I'm about 90% sure I'm not going to do unless a crazed madman made me (bungee jump anyone?), and things that as a self employed artist I doubt I'll be able to afford (backpack around the world) I became a little bit stumped... 

...Then taking into consideration all of the amazing thing's I've been fortunate enough to experience in my life so far (surfing in Hawaii, visiting Graceland, gambling in Las Vegas, going in a helicopter, swimming with dolphins ((and a shark!)) setting up my own business, getting my work published in Vogue ((Italian Vogue Bambini Magazine, but still!!!)) ... I could go on, but I've got a feeling I should stop now) my list gets even shorter. I've been blessed in that I've managed to hit up a lot of things people have on their bucket lists for years and I am truly grateful for every moment; I cannot wait to see what comes my way next!

But that leaves me with my list -- of which I have 20 things written down thus far. So I thought I would ask you all for some wonderful suggestions to add to it :D I'm trying to find things that are less obvious, but that's not as easy as it sounds. I was going to make this all beautiful to share with you, but as it's unfinished I will share it the boring way and recreate it when we've found 30!

Without further adieu....

30 things to do before 30
  1. learn something new
  2. pass my driving test
  3. get another tattoo
  4. do something I find terrifying 
  5. learn 5 songs on my ukulele 
  6. make my home AWESOME
  7. go one week without watching tv
  8. place a bet at a bookies
  9. stay in a Disney hotel
  10. take more photos on a real camera 
  11. find my own beauty regime
  12. create my own birthday cocktail
  13. clear out my wardrobe + donate 
  14. go one month without wearing jeans
  15. visit somewhere nice in Europe
  16. send more snail mail
  17. make an extravagant purchase
  18. learn yoga
  19. leave 30 lucky pennies for people to find
  20. make an epic birthday cake
I think it's looking good, but it still has a bit to go!

Do you have a 30 before 30 list? Or a birthday / bucket list you'd like to share? 

I've decided that monumental age goals are a lot more fun because there is less time and more of a challenge involved. If I made a bucket list, I would procrastinate forever! Baring that in mind, I am on a small budget and the goal needs to be achievable as close to home as possible. I've penciled in Europe for the moment because that's what I can afford to do :) Last year was phenomenal, but it totally killed my savings! Oh, and you might notice I have already made a start at some of the items on my list, but it's not cheating because I've had it since January :P

Other things contemplated include: getting a fancy manicure, learn how to bake something new (I just mastered the mini donut!), read 5 books or more, cook at least one healthy meal a week from scratch, and spend one month being guilt free. I'm not sure how I could achieve that last one, but I love the sound of it!

If you have any suggestions or goals you'd like to reach I'd love to hear about them!
Let's finish this list :D


  1. I can send you my book when it's done and you can knock one out of five off! :P I need SOMEONE to read it!

    I'd love to make a list like this but I've got too much on my plate as it is right now to add any more in, and the one thing I want to do most keeps getting pushed aside. The only thing I desperately need to achieve by the time I'm 40 is get published properly. If I reach 40 and it hasn't happened, I'm self publishing everything and going back to school to take geology.

    I'd also add 'bump into a celebrity' on the list. I know that won't be easy since it's mostly out of your hands, but it will get you out more - you can't bump into celebrities in your home! Since you don't have the money to travel far, I'll make it easier and say that any celebrity will count, like someone who was famous once upon a time :P

    1. I'm a bit of a book flake - I'm not sure if you should trust something so precious in my hands! I can't remember the last book I read start to finish :O It's so awful, I don't know where this bad habit came from but I just cant seem to get stuck in these days :(

      I think if you have a few years to go you can still get published before you're 30. It would be a challenge, but that's part of the enjoyment (unless it's learning to drive haha!) You just need to believe in yourself, write as much as humanly possible and find the right people to share it with. Maybe you should take an online course in the meantime? Or a night class - I've done a few silversmithing ones and they were totally amazing and worth the effort :) It's great to have feedback from others who understand what you're wanting to do, never underestimate that.

      I actually could manage that one! We have the Edinburgh Fringe Festival here and lots of famous people come to town... My favourite ever 'bump into a celebrity' moment was bumping into Taylor Hawkins of the Foo Fighters in Glasgow's Sauchiehall Street. They are my all time favourite band - I almost died of excitement! Mind... that kind of means I've already done it! Good try though ;)

    2. Well in that case I'd say add it to your list and cross it off! It's always a very good idea, when making a list of things you want to achieve, that you write down big things you wanted to achieve and have already done so. It'll make the list seem less daunting, especially if you want a list of 30 things and can't quite fill out the last few.

      And don't worry, there's only 3 people in my life who I think would be genuinely interested in reading my books, and I know that not one of them would be able to finish it. It's hard to read things if you know the person who wrote it because you'll always hear their voice in your head or see their face on the characters, so I never seriously ask anyone to read any of it. Plus they'll only give me biased opinions anyway :P

    3. I'm going to make a list up right now called "30 things I achieved before I made my 30 things before 30 list" haha :D *grabs a pencil*
      It's not lack of interest missy!! It's more that I'm a book-flake ;) I know what you mean about biased opinions though... they're always meant well! Even more reason to share with strangers who write or are avid book readers though... you can't hide your stories from the world, they need to be shared! :)

  2. cook whatever is on page 10 of 10 different recipe books!
    Grace x

    1. Oh my gosh! That's a GREAT suggestion! Thanks so much Grace :D Plus it means I can go and explore some more recipe books... any excuse, I love that isle in the book shop!

    2. That in itself is a fantastic method of choosing recipes! You'll be drawn to the easier ones - let the writers pick for you! :D

    3. love this idea! such a fascinating one. and it means someone like myself who is a really fusser eater, you end up trying new foods!

  3. Such a cute idea, I never thought about this! You have a great list so far.

    You're not alone, I also need to do #2! (...that kind of comes off wrong :P )
    6, 12, 20 are fab, I definitely support those! And if I may, for #15, I recommend Portugal ;)

    As for one to add... I'd say: knit a scarf! Even if you don't stick with it, and even if it turns out ugly, there's nothing more rewarding than wearing a scarf you made!

    Good luck!

    1. Haha! Thanks so much Holly! I'm glad I'm not alone with #2 problems ;) Revising is so hard when you get older. In school you did it all the time - now I find it unbearable! Oooh! I've never been to Portugal - I might have to come visit :D
      Thank you so much for your knitting a scarf suggestion! I've tried knitting before and it didn't end particularly well :S Would be a great thing to achieve before 30 though!

  4. I love it when people make lists like this! I might do it myself when I turn 29 in December. We're in the middle of our "five year plan" that started when we got married. The goal was to buy a house, go to Europe, and for me to go back to school before we had kids. We just went to Paris in November and that was the last thing on the list, so I'm glad we got it all done. Writing stuff like this down down and sharing it really does help keep you on track.

    Anyway! As for other stuff on your list... Hmm... I like your idea of cooking X number of recipes from scratch! Maybe a recipe a month? Or what about doing something for a charity?

    1. Thanks Paige :D You totally should do one too - I'd love to hear what you'd include! The five year plan is also a wonderful one to do; you achieved so many incredible things in half the time too! GO PAIGE!!! When I get to 30 I'll need to start working on one of those :) I hope I'm half as successful as you!

      The cooking one is definitely going in. I love how popular that suggestion's been! As for charity, we currently donate a lot of (good) personal stuff and at Christmas time we also donate proceeds from our card sales to TCT. I also don't buy anyone Christmas presents, but instead I donate gifts to children's hospitals to brighten their day. I'm not into fun runs and asking people for money, so I figured these are great way's around it :)

  5. This is a great post! Great things on your list. Any ideas of getting married and having kids? I had two daughters before 30 and now that I am in my late 50's and they are 30ish, it is fun to have them as daughters and girlfriends!

    1. Thanks so much AnnMarie! Currently I don't, not before 30 at any rate. As we're still a small business finding the money for a wedding or to fund another person is not the easiest (and wouldn't be very fair on them!). I think they'll definitely be on my 40 things before 40 list! I like the idea of having adult children in my older years, but realistically I'm not in a place to have them at the moment. Perhaps if I win the lottery :D I'll need that to fund the wedding of my dreams too! Hee hee

  6. I really like #19.
    I'm way past 30, so I know that health is so important. Having feet and legs that can take you to new experiences may seem like a given when young. I love to hike and ride my bike. So I would add something to the effect of visiting places and walking around. Go walk in your nearest city and take photos. or your nearest park, or anyplace. Take photos. Write a story. Make a booklet.

    1. Thanks! I like the idea of leaving surprises around the city for people to find. I'd love to write 30 love letters, but I'm not sure if people would think I was insane ;) This way I can spread the luck without creeping people out haha!
      I'm pleased to share that walk a lot, but never up big hills! This is a really great suggestion - I could go up Arthur's Seat (Edinburg hill that's not too tall!) and take photos to share :D Thank you for the inspiration!

  7. Such a great list you have! I've been meaning to do things like these too but maybe when I turn 19 I'll do a list of 20 before 20! (wow that sounds scary even though its not) Most of yours are already on a bucket list in my head including numbers 2,3,9,10,16. But theres so many more that i keep forgetting them i should write a blog post about it!
    And for ideas of other things to add to your list maybe try do something that scares you like x times a month? Things could include like singing karaoke in front of a crowd of people and such?
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

    1. Thanks Lauren! Oooh, yeah! I wish I had done that in my teens, it's such a positive and fun challenge - you should go for it!
      I like your idea of bringing the terror more often ;) I'm a shocking singer so it would be fun trying to find people to take me to karaoke! hee hee I've never done it before, but it's maybe worth giving a go!

  8. Haha this is such a cute idea. When you were going through things you had done my mind skipped a few words and read been on a helicopter with dolphins ! I was like whaaaa !? Hehehehe ! Silly me... Great idea and I also really like the above idea about the page 10 !
    Eb x

    1. Haha! Thanks Eb! That should be on my '40 before 40' list! Now that's a challenge ;)

  9. Oh Gawd bless you, I had managed 6 of these before 30 - I'm 43 now and have still only managed 6. The only thing on your list I know I could never do is the 5 tunes on the Ukulele!
    Age is just a number, really it is and just because you get older doesn't mean you have to always act older (unless you want to of course!)

    1. Thanks Julia! I'm defo not worry about getting older, I'm just a thrill seeker ;) Thanks for the support, I'm glad to hear you still feel the same in your 40s :D

  10. An awesome list! I can't wait to hear about all your achievements between now and then.

    I think have as much fun as possible. And like you say, 30 is just a number. I actually prefer being in my 30s than my 20s for some reason!


    1. Thanks Claire! I've had a few tricky years in my 20s, so I'm actually really looking forward to turning 30 when it comes. Things can only get better :D
