5 Feb 2014

Inspiration: Field Of Light by Bruce Munro

Last night was the launch night of Bruce Munro's outdoor installation 'Field Of Light' in Edinburgh's St Andrews Square. I've been extremely looking forward to seeing the sea of bulbs all light up as I've been seeing it slowly coming together over the past week or so. To begin with I was totally dumbfounded as to what these weird objects were doing in such a pretty garden area, but nearer the end of the week posters started popping up to say that it's an exhibition of light. I was pretty blown away by the concept, but to see it in reality has just been sublime!

Isn't it incredible?

To be surrounded by hundreds of little glowing globes is pretty spectacular, like a little swarm of fireflies. They slowly change colour too, which is a really lovely touch.

The balls of light are on sturdy rods. Each one has a wire that connects into a power box. During the day they don't look that enticing, but as soon as dusk falls St Andrews Square becomes a whole other land!

I took these pictures on my phone, but I'm planning to go back when it's a little less cold to photograph it properly. Fortunately this installation is on until April - if you get the chance to see it it's a must do!

It was really great to see so many people out taking photos and creating their own pieces of art with this installation too. Interactive artwork has got to be the best; it might not be classical, but everyone can get in there and gain something personal from it... Needless to say I'm a big fan, and I hope you're a bit inspired by it all too :)

If you'd like to discover more about Bruce Munro click here. To read a little more about the project click here. For those of you far away, I'm really pleased to let you know it's been installed in different spaces all over - defo worth keeping an eye on for a town near you!!

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  1. this is so beautiful! totally want to see this in person

    1. It's absolutely amazing, I could spend all night in there :D

  2. WOOOOW It's amazing!!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. That looks amazing. I love interactive art!

  4. this is absolutely magical looking! Thank you for sharing with us!
