21 Jan 2014

What I wore... to my first outfit post!

Hello Sailor! 
Recently you've probably noticed that I've been sharing posts on much more of a personal level. Our blog is usually quite brand focused, but as I've been having a lot of great feedback about my more open posts I've decided to try and get into the swing of it more. Quite a few of you lovely bloggers have asked for some outfit posts... so I thought I'd bite the bullet and give it a try! 

To be totally honest, I've been debating about sharing some outfit posts on the blog for some time now, but I've always felt a little bit shy about doing it. Whilst my style is definitely quirky and a little bit different, I'm a fairly shy person. Last year I worked really hard on coming out of my shell and making more of an effort to talk to other makers at craft shows, and I was so proud of how much my confidence has grown, especially when we held the stall at Renegade. Whilst I was super nervous chatting to people I think it was pretty well hidden. I always feel like a bit of an idiot! There is no way I could have done something like that before - I would rather have run a mile! With that in mind, I have been debating what other steps I can take to grow my confidence. Thanks to your support and a boyfriend who is immensely supportive (and a great photographer!!) I'm really proud to share my very first outfit shoot...

*TA*DA* hee hee! 
I foresee this section being a little sporadic to the blog, but I'd love to do a couple a month in theory... should they be going down well of course. I wont be doing many if they go down like a lead balloon, that's for sure. I figured I could test the water and see what you think :)

In this post I'm wearing my new favourite jumper, bought in the sale from Sugarhill Boutique. It's a really lovely fine knit and I adore the sweethearts around the neckline. I'm really into the breton look, so if you ask me this is a total steal! They have it reversed (white stripes on black) too, but I actually think this one is much easier to wear. 
The shorts are from Tara Starlet - my secret weapon! I have a lot from her clothes in my wardrobe so be prepared to see more of that name in the future. My sailor shorts are one of my favourite pieces; the button details are really adorable and I can dress them up and down really easily for most occasions. I tend to stick to black tights underneath for casual day wear. They look fab on because they nip in at your waist and create a lovely hourglass figure! The only tricky thing about ordering from here online is the sizing; make sure you meausre to work out exactly what size you need. The clothes are all made in house and I've found I tend to need a bigger size than usual. Don't let the numbers put you off! You'll look so much cuter if you get the right fit :)

The glasses I wear are vintage and you can find out more about my obsession with them here. As for jewellery, you can't really see but I have on a cute watermelon necklace that I bought from a Juicy Couture outlet in America. I'm not really into their clothing, but their charms are super lust-worthy! Oh! And last but not least, that's my new cockatiel iphone case too. How darling!

So there you have it! I hope you like my very first outfit post. I'm a little bit nervous to see what happens after I click 'Publish Now'... I hope it involves confetti! Getting out of your comfort zone is always challenging, so I'm proud I took a small leap today :) I hope it inspires you to do the same!

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  1. You are so pretty ^_^ and that dress is so good ♥ your skin is too flawless >.< what do you use for it? I have acne and pimple out there :/ By the way, you're prefect but try a decent hairstyle someday, it will suit you ;)

    1. Aww! Thank you Nejia! I've tried lots of different things, but I've found it's best to drink lots of water and not touch your face. Both things I'm terrible at!
      Hee hee! Sometimes I wear it up, maybe you'll see it soon ;)

  2. Cute shorts, you look awesome! Next time I wanna see your SHOES!!! :D

    1. Aww! Amazing :D Thanks so much! Yeah, we kinda didn't have enough room. I was wearing just black ballet pump style flats (with no junk on them) I'll share a shoe snap just for you next time :D

  3. Aww, super cute :) I look forward to seeing more!

    1. Thanks so much Vixie :D So thrilled to get all these lovely comments!

  4. Congratulations on your first outfit post! I don't know why but they are my favourite posts to read, I'm such a nosey bugger when it comes to other peoples wardrobes! You look fantastic, I love the high waisted shorts. Thank you for introducing me to Tara Starlet, I've been scouring the website for the last ten minutes xo

    1. Haha! Thanks Alice! I'm a nosey bugger too :D You're totally welcome, their stuff is super lovely and worth the investment, but just to warn you, the sizes aren't standard and sometimes they need a little bit of tailoring. I don't mind though, because I love their stuff :)

  5. Wow-eee, you look fab! Wish I could pull off the quirky look, it's great to be a bit different.

    1. Awww! Katy K! Thank you so much! That's so lovely to hear :D I think you should try it - dress how you feel and I bet you'll look a million bucks :) Being different is the best thing about being yourself x

  6. love your jumper! it's adorable. going to check out the site!
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

    1. Thanks Lauren! Oh do! It's in the sale and It's really lovely fabric. Worth the £25 if you have it :)

  7. I really like your style (that jumper is adorable♥) so I'd love to see more outfit posts!

    1. Thank you so much Michelle! That's super lovely to hear.... watch this space ;)

  8. Your style is amazing! I really love your hair, do you just backcomb it to get the volume? xx

    1. Aww! Thanks so much StitchingYouUp!
      You know, my hair is actually pathetic - it's really thin naturally. I use a volumising shampoo (still trying to find the best one, but I do recommend alternating them when they run out so your hair doesn't get used to the ingredients) Then a thickening cream, then an unholy amount of hairspray at the roots. I don't usually backcomb! My best piece of advice -- and it sounds gross -- try to wash your hair only once or twice a week, but use a dry shampoo every day. The talcum powder builds up and soaks in the hairspray (still use that each day too) and makes your hair really massive :D Batiste XXL has some of that hair powder stuff in it that adds volume as well; it's a little more expensive but defo worth it!
      Oh! And no, my hair smells lovely and it's not greasy - it's a little rough to the touch, but I love how it looks :) Hope that helps!

  9. *Poooooof!* - that was me throwing virtual confetti over you :-)

    Love love love this. Such a cute jumper and your waist looks slinky in those shorts. I would not be brave enough to publish an outfit post, so well done!

    Also, I was TOTALLY nervous about talking to people at Renegade. The other day I saw another blogger on the street (who I hadn't met before) and I am super pleased I went over to say hi. I'm going to be a lot braver in talking to people from now on,

    Claire x

    1. YAAAAAY!!! **dancing**
      ThAnKs ClAiRe!! <3 <3 <3
      You just totally made my day! Big love to you :B

      You were amazing at Renegade - so smooth and charming, I never would have thought! Well done to you, I'm super proud that we managed to talk to each other ;) Meeting another blogger on the street - that's so awesome! Was it awkward? I'd love to do an etsy meet up but I'm not sure how well it would go down. Maybe that should be another goal this year - meet up with more of you lovely bloggers and makers! It seems so many of my favourites are far away! I bet you totally made her day though - everyone secretly loves being recognised :D
      GO TEAM!

    2. It totally wasn't awkward! She was so blimmin lovely and it was good to say hello as she is guesting for me next month. I would have kicked myself if I hadn't said hi!!

      I organised a blogger meet last year and it was brilliant, so I say definitely do a meet up if you can!!! Then last week I did a Google hangout chat with a couple of lovely bloggers and we didn't stop nattering for 2 hours. It was super lovely and makes you realise people are awesome. Scratch that, BLOGGERS are awesome!!

      Happy weekend xx

    3. Aww that's lovely to hear! Great that you had an in to start with too :) How awesome!
      That sounds like a brilliant idea. I think I might try sort something out for Edinburgh :) Would be so great to have a blogging crew to go for a cuppa with! I'm glad to hear you've had such great experiences thus far - super encouraging! x
