24 Jan 2014

Oh Snap! A catch up on our week...

This week I've been working on some new prints and stationery, which I'm getting really excited about! Since I've been working on my 'illustration a day' resolution it's been really great at opening up new ideas and slightly different ways of working which is really fun. It's quite challenging to think something up each day, but it's definitely made me do a lot more research and  more 'creative hunting' which is only a great thing. I'm having more success with that than taking a photo each day - I missed one out on Thursday and was super gutted about it. I'm going to persevere though - I've still taken a crazy amount of photographs in comparison to what I usually do :)

David and I also went through to Glasgow this week which was really lovely. I studied at Glasgow School Of Art so it's like a home away from home for me - we don't normally get the chance to discover new places (I love my old haunts!), but this time we decided to go on and adventure. We sat and drew in The Black Sparrow which has mostly booth seating (I LOVE a booth!) and is really chilled out and relaxing during the day. Sometimes the best thing to do is to go somewhere quiet and draw anything and everything.

We also had dinner in my favouritest new place, The Tiki Bar & Kitsch Inn Being obsessed with anything tiki and kitsch, this place was naturally high on my to do list as soon as I discovered it existed. Their menu is all Thai food, which is my favourite type of food... for me, this place truly is heaven (outside of Hawaii of course!) I had the tofu and veg red curry and it was honestly the best thing I've eaten this year. I was not surprised to hear that they'd won awards for their food after tasting it, and will definately be working my way through their menu now (surprisingly it's pretty affordable!).Seriously good. Plus their interiors in the restaurant upstairs is super rich and classic 60's, it's like stepping back in time :D I hope the next time I go back it's quiet so I can photograph the heck out of it! 

They also have a really excellent drinks menu and serve your pina colada in a pineapple mug... You wouldn't believe how much joy this brings me! There's even a cocktail made in honour of Scarlett Johansson - they filmed a little bit of one of her movies in here called Under The Skin (it's about an alien in Scotland and it looks pretty dark!) which is a really great Fun Fact. 

So, if you're ever going to Glasgow for the day, you'll know where you can find us!
The only bad thing about a trip to Glasgow is the trip back home, though it's nice to come back with a little inspiration and some new drawings. I'm planning to do more trips through this year to find more new amazing places to go. Hopefully I'll find some more fun places in Edinburgh too, though it's much harder to go on an adventure in your stomping grounds. 
If you know any amazing secret places worth visiting we'd love to hear about them!

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  1. I love the cocktails at Tiki Bar! Yum.

    1. Yum indeed! If you've not eaten there you're missing out too :B Delish!

  2. we love thai food and ate out for the first time at a Thai restaurant here in Bury, we were very disappointed :( Sounds like your place was wonderful! I'm putting it on my bucket list, just after visiting the castle in your hometown!

    1. What a shame! If you're coming up to Edinburgh and fancy good thai food you should go to Time for Thai :D Mmmm! This is making my mouth water! I hope you come visit, defo give us a shout if you do, we'd love to meet you for a cuppa! Hope you had a good haggis experience on Burns Night!

  3. ohhh these "a day" projects are really challenging. I did one with trees some ooonths ago and was quite worn out after that! I am drawing something every day now tho, but not necessarily finishing it ;) Although this year I am gonna do "a week" thing, so that I actually start finishing stuff.

    I went to Glasgow too last week! I didn;t know of that place, I need to go next time I'm around!

    1. They totally are! Did you manage to do a tree a day then? That was a super awesome project :D I'm terrible at taking vitamins a day - this has become my everest! Haha! Would love to hear what 'A Week' project you're taking on. Sounds like a winner to me!
      Yeah, totally go! If you're looking for tikki in Edinburgh, you NEED to check out 52 Canoes - I love that place!! Home away from home for me ;)

    2. well COME HAVE A LOOK cos I just posted the first one! :P

      Yes, well, I did finish and manage the tree a day. ALthough some of them are shit, but it was DONE. And also I absolutely hated the ideas of drawing trees for a long time - I hope you will not hate illustrating at the end of it :[ Although is you didnt set yourself a theme then you should be fine :)

    3. Love your mythical creatures theme! http://zyzanna.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/52-mythical-creatures-number-1.html That's an amazing idea - though I reckon I'd be sat there drawing mermaids all the time :D
      Yeah, I was worried I would start hating it if I chose to do something really specific that I enjoyed- that's what happened when I wrote my dissertations at art school! So far it's been tricky thinking up something to do each day (that sounds silly, but it's true!) but I'm enjoying it... I might show a wee peek of my notebook soon :)
