6 Dec 2013

Featured Illustrator: Debbie Greenaway aka The Imagination Of Ladysnail

Today we're hanging out with one of my absolute favourite illustrators, Debby Greenaway aka The Imagination Of The Ladysnail. I first discovered her work in Ginger Pickles online shop (where we're both stocking products), and couldn't resist picking up a couple of her brooches to add to my collection. Recently I was really lucky to have met her at Renegade Craft Fair earlier in the year - as fate had it, we were actually opposite her :D Needless to say, her lions and robots and hedgehogs were great company! I'm really excited because I find her work super inspiring and I can't wait to ask her what inspires her to create such beautiful characters...

Give us the low down! Tell us a little about who you are and what you make:
Helloooo! My name is Debbie – also known as Deb or Debs. I am an illustrator and printmaker, currently living in Coventry. I work part time in a library. I draw, doodle, paint, crayon and screenprint a lot – making illustrations. prints, cards and badges. I can sometimes be found sewing one off makes. I am trying to sort out my to-do lists and get stuck in to creating little illustrated stories – hopefully making zines, books and series of narrative prints.
How do you stay inspired?
I try to stay inspired by picking up a pencil and drawing every day if I can. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t. Some days it comes naturally and sometimes i have to force it a little to get going. I find having a the part time day job has helped me stay inspired – it gives me time out and time out from thinking about all things ‘art’. It also lifts the financial stress which is very important. I stay inspired by creating work that keeps me interested – also in the hope that others like my work too.

What blogs do you read?
I have to be honest and say that my blog reading has gone down these last few months from what it used to be. I use my twitter or facebook feed as a link to reading people’s blogs! I read ones that are mainly art, craft or illustration based – some with business tips in and some with cats in! I am currently trying to restart my own blog.

Why do you like being a maker in 10 words or less?
Tough question – I have spent a while rewriting this one and its difficult to put it in to words – especially ten or less! I managed 11 words but it sounded wrong so keeping it simple is the key i reckon - I enjoy the fun you can have with a pencil.

keep up to date with Debbie's work here

What's your best piece of advice?
Have fun and enjoy it – keep it simple and work through an idea best you can. Ask for help or advice if you get stuck and don’t be afraid to make mistakes – if you draw something you don’t like – don’t rub it out or rip the page out – leave it there and continue drawing/creating. As one day you will look back and be able to see your progress. Please don’t get too precious over keeping your sketchbook precious.

What question would you most like to be asked?
Please can you draw some lions for this ‘ere picture book?
What's your guilty pleasure? (Chocolate doesn't count :P)
Tea and Hobnob biscuits. Cake – any! Sausages, mash, peas and gravy or Shepard’s Pie!
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Thanks so much for hanging out with us today Deb! I'm terrible for erasing drawings I don't like - and worse so, ripping pages out when I'm really unhappy, but I have to admit you have a really good point. I'm going to try going without my eraser for a bit and see how I get on :) I can't wait till I buy your first picture book - it's going to be sublime! Until then I'm going to write up my wish list from your online shop. It's going to be a good Christmas this year!

We hope you all enjoyed our little feature today - we'd love to hear what you think of Debs words of wisdom :)


  1. Love this interview, her sketches are so amazingly fun!

    1. I know :D I'm so glad we got the chance to introduce her. I want it ALL!
      Thanks for commenting Ashley!
