28 May 2013

DIY: How To Make A Wrist Rest Mouse Matt!

Like most of you lovely readers, I spend most of my life working on a computer. Now that absolutely everything you can imagine is on there, it's not hard to see how the hours disappear so quickly either! The downside is that all that action with your mouse means that you get a sore wrist. Or I do at least! I caught a glimpse of this idea and have to admit it's a goodie. Ready to combat that repetitive straining injury? Get set...

For this project we've used a family heirloom; a hand stitched doily. Needless to say, we don't really buy these sorts of things for our home, but we certainly have a few handed down to us. I'm really pleased to have a project to work them into our lives again! If you don't have one of these, you could use a vintage handkerchief or some cute fabric remnants instead. 

The magical stuffing for our wrist rest is going to be rice! That's right, you don't even need to leave your home for this project :) The rice is going to be a perfect filler as it'll mould around your wrist comfortably without bursting out at the seems like sand would. One size will fit all too!

Start by folding your doily in half and pin it together.

Run it through your sewing machine (if you have one - otherwise you can do it by hand). I've done mine in a light grey stitching so you can see how I've sewn a semicircle around the edge. 

Make sure to leave a gap at one end as you'll need it for adding the rice. 

Remember to backstitch at the beginning and end as alway - you don't want anything to unravel!

When you're ready, insert a funnel through your little gap and pour in your dried rice. 

You only want to make it half - 3/4 full; fill it too much and it won't mould around your wrist and be comfortable. The space you leave will let the rice splay out around you. You can check it by pinching the gap closed and resting your wrist on it :)

When you're happy with how full it is, hand stitch the little gap closed and you're ready to web surf till your hearts content!

We hope you have fun making use of your vintage heirlooms - I bet there is going to be some pretty stunning wrist rests out there :B

Happy Making!
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  1. hayyeeee! I love it! vivid you are awesome <3

    1. Hooray! Thanks Nejia :) We hope you're good!

  2. Very cute and simple idea!

  3. That's a great idea!! I love the doily that you used also.

    1. Why thank you very much Ms Rabbit!
      That's actually from Davids grandmother :) We have an heirloom doily in the house :D

  4. What a fabulous idea! Thanks so much for sharing this!

    1. No problem Kate :) Glad you like it!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Marieken! Happy Making :)

  6. Such a cool make. I'ma big doily fan (my family take the mick) so I love this reinvention of one :-)

    1. Thanks so much Claireabelle :D I love vintage stuff like this too. People won't laugh when you start turning it all into really amazing stuff and they threw their heirlooms out ;) hee hee
