19 Apr 2013

We're off To Hawaii!


As you know we've been planning a secret trip and today's the day we finally go! What have we been planing? A jam packed trip to Hawaii!    Hooray!

We'll still be posting on our lovely blog, but it'll be a little different to our usual routine. We hope you enjoy what we have in store for you... I know we're excited about it!

As for our shop, we've got a selection of our most popular items which will still be available for purchase. One of our trained elves will post all orders on Saturdays to make sure everyone is taken good care of :) We wrote all about it here.

We're going to have lots of awesomely inspirational stuff to share with you when we're back... not to mention a whole bunch of new ideas and projects too of course! How fun :D 

Don't miss us too much whilst we're away - we'll be back before you know it!

Vicky & David


  1. Bon voyage <3 xxx hope you have a safe trip with loads and loads of exciting ideas <3

  2. Enjoy you deserve it!
    Daisy j

  3. Ooo I've heard such wonderful things about Hawaii! Have fun!! =)


    1. Thanks Chloe - it's been incredible so far!
