11 Apr 2013

Off On Holidays!

Hello hello!

Boy, do we have some exciting news for you :B With only 8 sleeps left till we go on our big adventure, we thought we should let you know... we're going on holiday! There has been much planning about this secret trip and we can't believe it's almost time to go...

Whilst we wont be around from the 19th April till the 9th of May, we've scheduled lots of awesome posts for you whilst we're gone so you can still get your Vivid Please blog fix. Phew!

Our shop will remain open during this period but there will only be a limited amount of products and availability. If you've got your eye on something special, order before the 18th to make sure you get it before we go :)

Too late for our last date? Don't worry, we're very lucky to have a lovely helper who will be posting all other orders for us whilst we're away...

Etsy orders placed between the 19th April till the 9th May will be shipped on Saturdays only 
(20th April, 27th April & 4th May) 

Thank goodness for that!

Whilst our internet access will be limited we will do our best to check in frequently ... and try not to rub it in too much ;)

Let the count down begin!
See you soon lovelies


  1. You missed out the crucial bit of information - where yo going? Also I am jealous much. ;) HAVE FUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNN!! we have to catch up upon your return.

    1. Haha! You'll find out later in the week :B
      Wooohoooo! Can't wait now :D There will be a lot of fun tales to share when I'm back!

  2. Hope you guys have fun on vacation!

    1. Aww thanks Holly! I'm itching to go now :)
