2 Apr 2013

March Round Up! DIY's, Giveaways, Awards...

Whilst things may have been quieter than usual here on our blog, March has been our busiest month so far! We've been working hard on expanding our product range and are very excited about a couple of projects we've got going on behind the scenes. We hope to share more of that news with you in the next month :) Every moment of March seems to have been invested into something a little special. Thank goodness we've got plenty of chocolate to take us into April! Ready for a cuppa and a catch up? Us too...

DIY's & Tutorials:

Posca Pen tutorial (we made Pac Man pillowcases!)

pastel coloured Peppermint Creams

We are delighted to have launched some new products and a whole new fantastical range of wooden brooches! We can even custom paint them so you can even personalize each piece. Cute or what?

We're also incredibly excited to have taken Vivid Please on the road for the first time ever as we participated in a vintage and design fare in Glasgow. We hope this will be the first of many! Let us know if there is a market you'd like to have us at :) Anythings possible!

We shared our picks for style me friday and our favorite sweet treat of the month as well as this beautiful video on how the artwork for the "Born And Raised" album cover was made. Totally worth the watch if you're looking for some inspiration!

Peaches and Pebbles is giving you a chance to win a gift card for her awesome Etsy shop and the lucky winner will also get one of our Spectacular prints in this month's giveaway - it's ending in a few days time so you'd better get in there sharp to win!

Last, but certainly not least we are beyond excited to share that we won an award! How awesome is that?! `We couldn't have done it without your support, so thanks so much and we hope you're having as much fun as we are :) 

Happy Easter lovelies!

Vicky & David


  1. Congrats on the well deserved award!

  2. O so glad you won an award...your stuff is so cute..we oohh and ahhh over it all the time..

    1. Hee hee :D thanks so much Sara! That means a lot to us :) We hope to keep it up!
