25 Mar 2013

DIY: His 'n Hers Pac-Man Pillows Using Posca Pens!

Everybody loves Pac-Man! I've been spending a lot of time looking for some quirky new bedding recently and couldn't resist finishing off our new bedspread with some extra special his and hers pillowcases! Don't they look awesome? And thanks to some handy work with a posca pen, these took less than 30 mins to knock up. If that's not brilliant, I'm not sure what is!

To make your own set of his and hers pillow cases, you're going to need some ... pillowcases. Make sure to wash and iron them before you start. These pens work on all kinds of fabrics, so you can use the same method to customise t shirts and whatnot if you'd prefer...

I'm going to be illustrating Mr & Mrs Pacman using a plate and a small jar lid, but if you're wanting to use a more sophisticated pattern, you can print out your image and trace through the pillowcase. A light box will help you see the lines better if you're lucky enough to have one :)

Whatever method you choose, start by using a pencil to draw out your picture. It's much easier to work with a template and you can rub out any mistakes along the way!


Once you're happy with how your design looks, put some scrap paper inside the pillowcase (you don't want  the ink to go straight through) and start drawing over your pencil markings using the Posca pen.

These special paint pens are great as they will draw on any material really easily. In the unlikely scenario that you find you're getting flecks of material on the pen nib, you can easily wipe them off with a cloth too. Shake them before you start and lightly press as you draw. If you press really hard lots of paint will come out so make sure to practice before you start.

When you're done give the whole thing a good iron! This will fix the ink on the material and stop it from running when you wash them. You don't even need to turn them inside out. Brilliant!


Don't Pac-Man and Mrs Pac-Man look great? When they're on our bed they lay out so that they are heading towards each other too ;)

The best part of working on this project is that you can use any colours or even metalic Posa Pens to colour your design... and there are so many to choose from :D Fantastic! 

I've already had requests for his n hers glasses pillowcases and even boy and girl pants! Hahaha :) The fun never ends here at Vivid HQ ;)

We hope you like our little DIY - we'd love to hear how you'd customise yours!
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  1. Awesome- I always love you how to posts! Great one! Janine (Lesley's Girls Vintage) xx

    1. Thanks so much Janine :D It's lovely to hear when you're doing a good job and massively appreciated!

  2. I've never heard of these pens, but they sound great. The pillowcases look awesome!

  3. Thanks kim! They're a waterbased paint pen - we love them! Defo worth the investment if you ask us :D

  4. Jen from ActsofCraftiness says
    Those pillowcases are adorable! I'm planning to completely redo our bedroom, including our bedding. I think I might need to make a set of these.

    1. Thanks Jen! Not sure what's happened to your message here :S
      I love it when our tutorials inspire our friends!
