1 Apr 2012

A Vivid Giveaway! *CLOSED*

It's officially Spring and to celebrate, we are launching our first ever Vivid giveaway! 
Yup, we are giving away a few of our most favourite things and it is super easy to get your mitts on these goodies... 
One lucky pickle will receive:

* A You're So My Type print 
* A set of red Words Are For Nerds pencils 
* A set of yellow lined 'Legal Pad' sticky post it notes 
* A retro polaroid notecard starring the infamous Vivid Piggy 
* A geek glasses necklace 
* A Tea Sub to put your loose tea in! 
* And our favorite sweeties: a Curlywurly and some popping candy!

Awesome, right? 
All you need to do to enter is: 

Follow our blog and leave a comment on this post so we know you are entering. Remember to let us know the best way to contact you (blog/Twitter/email) if you win. 


Follow us on Twitter and tweet: 
"Loving this @vividplease giveaway! Check out their blog at http://www.vividplease.me to find out more... #vividpleaseme!" 
To be sure your entry counts, please cut and paste this sentence exactly as written :) 

That's it! 

This giveaway will end on the 30th April at midnight GMT.
Our winner will be picked at random and informed on the 1st of May. 

Good luck!

This giveaway has now closed!
Please follow our blog for updates of our next one - it's happening very soon :D
Thanks to everyone who entered, we will be announcing the winner on Twitter today!


  1. Tweeted! Already following.
    How fun. :) debra.norris86@gmail.com



  2. oooOoooo what a splendid give away pips. Shall pop on over to Twitter now and send out the word, weeeeeeeeeeeee! Loves @ionwen XXX

  3. Unfortunately, I can't enter because I don't have twitter, but this is a great giveaway that I would love to win. i especially love the you're so my type print!

  4. Hi Ilellsee
    Thanks for tweeting us again!
    Our comp is one entry per person, sorry for not mentioning that. It's super appreciated though :D we're glad you like the goodies!

    Good luck and a big thanks to all our entrants x

  5. Oh my gosh! What a suuuper fun giveaway! I'm totally loving evvvverything!! :) I found you through Scathingly Briliant! :)

    I follow you on bloglovin. :)

    Love from NJ
    xo Jenny Holiday

  6. I am following! contact me via email! (katvela12345AThotmailDOTcom)

    I also tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/katharynv/status/187250453585735682

    Your items are so CUTE! thanks for the chance to win! <3

  7. GAH! Would LOVE to win this stuff! bytheseals@gmail.com

  8. I just followed the blog as pale spectre! I love love everything on this blog plus of course the giveaway!
    my email: hej(at)fikafikafika.com
    here is my tweet

  9. The nice thing about having some time off work is finding a blog like yours! Loving everything about it and now following you.

  10. I am following via Bloglovin (Valerie Theberge)

    I also tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/ValerieTheberge/status/189447679795920900

    I follow you on twitter : @ValerieTheberge

  11. I follow with gfc (Kimberly w) and twitter @wrightwin. I tweeted too, but can't seem to copy the link but you can check @wrightwin :) . Email is the best way to contact me, thank you.
    Halochanelmat gmail dot com

  12. following you on bloglovin
    tumblemumbo at gmail .com
    intl thanks

  13. Following you through blogger as Kim Wedlock, and twitter as @peachesnpebbles

    You can contact me either through Etsy (www.etsy.com/shop/peachesandpebbles) or through twitter (@peachesnpebbles)

    Love those new biscuits!

  14. This is such an amazing giveaway! New follower on Bloglovin!

    Holly ♥ readsleeplove.blogspot.com

  15. Tweeted and following on bloglovin'.

    Great giveaway, and great site overall. Love the cards, they are my favorite! But I've mentioned that on twitter before ;)

  16. Followed your blog and Twitter, Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/djwashingtonson/status/194829581029609473


  17. Adorable blog and great giveaway! I'll be following you! :)

  18. Hi! I follow you on twitter and I'm pretty sure I just followed your blog.

    My twitter is: @lauren_maxwell

    My email is: lauren_maxwell@hotmail.co.uk

  19. I'm following your blog and have no idea how I missed this giveaway before today - it's awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!!

    lilmacabbeylane (at) yahoo (dot) com

  20. I tweeted about this!! https://twitter.com/#!/macabbeylane/status/196945040482893824
