10 Jun 2014

Psst! Lucky Dip Bags Up For Grabs. . .

Check out all those amazing prizes in our Craft Party Goodie Bags! With each one worth over £50, we've got 5 incredible goodie bags up for grabs... that means 5 people are going to win a whole host of amazing prizes from our #EETCRAFT Etsy Craft Party, including one of our exclusive canvas bags filled with lucky dip treats from:

AND of those five, one of you winners is going to be UBER lucky and get bonus prizes from:

How incredible is that? That's like over £250 worth of presents! Best competition ever? I THINK SO!!

Don't they all look amazing wrapped up? And each one is a surprise - even we don't know what's in these babies... I can tell you one thing though, you're not going to be disappointed!!

Here's a peek at what I got on Friday... I can't wait to spill the beans on what's inside each package!
Remember to check back shortly and be sure to enter ... it could be yoooooou!!



  1. How cool, I got a few goodies too at the craft party here in Singapore:)

    1. Amazing! We had so many incredible sponsors, I can't wait to start this competition! Make sure to pop back n enter :D

  2. When I was a wee babber I never got invited to many birthday parties, but when I DID I was always SO excited about the party bag at the end. Half the time that was the only reason I went because the rest of it was so awkward! I even demanded that my parents make me a goody bag at my own birthday party.
    As an adult, goody bags are even more exciting. Even the kids' ones (kids just don't appreciate them on the same level as a growed up). I can't wait to see what you packed in your goody bags!

    Also I really wish I hadn't seen the Marshmallow Lady ad on your sidebar...

    1. Everyone loves a party bag!! Haha! You've got yourself some pretty nice parents it sounds :P When I opened up my goodie bag (which you'll be seeing shortly to give you an idea of what's up for grabs as they're all wrapped up and lucky dips!) I got amazing jewellery, stationery, and bunting... and I just devoured my marshmallow! SO GOOD! Honestly, you're missing out, The Marshmallow Lady is the boss of sweet treats :D Plus her branding is amazing! Swoon!
      You gotta be in it to win it miss, we have 5 bags busting at the seams with these goodies... it could be you!!

    2. Hell yes, I've checked this page six times already waiting for the giveaway to begin! ♥

  3. These look like really fun gift bags! I can't wait to enter. Thanks!
