12 Feb 2014

What I wore... to the Post Office!

Whoa! It's been a long week of making up Valentines Day orders at Vivid HQ which has been totally spectacular, but it's left me with no time to organise a date for ourselves! There has been several visits to the post office and to various places across town to garner supplies which has been nice, but it's been absolutely freeeeeezing. I was going to do a new dressy 'what I wore" outfit post for you, but it would have been a bit of a lie! This week I've either been sitting about in jeans or rushing off to drop off orders... needless to say, my outdoor get up is much more interesting than my indoor one! Heehee

I'm usually the worst person ever at buying warm clothes. I hate it with a passion - thick layers on a short person is just not flattering. This is the first time in my life I've ever felt like "Ok, I give up, hand me that sweater and a coat that covers my butt" ... it has just been TOO cold; I don't know, maybe I'm getting old. So this year, for the first time ever, I invested in a 'proper coat'... I'd be lying if I told you I didn't fall in love with it after the first outing. For as much as it is a 'proper coat' it's styled on a biker jacket. Awesome, right? The best thing about it is that it's long, but it's two toned - I feel like I'm wearing a coat-skirt and not getting drowned out by 'sensible coat', you know? It's actually from Next (I think they're gone now...) though I did see several other *slightly more expensive* versions of the same thing in a lot of other shops. It was the cheapest - and the cutest. Worth the investment!

Owning a grey coat is amazing because you can pair it up with pretty much any colours you fancy and it won't clash. Last year I mentioned that I wanted to get a white tartan scarf, which has pretty much been my scarf staple since it was acquired. What can I say - I'm a true Scottish bird! Living in the capital city means that you can pick these up really cheap (to me, £7 is cheap for a wool scarf!) if you go to the tourist shops. It has been the only time I have ever been to one in my home town - and it will probably be the last time unless I loose this scarf.

My shoes are REAL bowling shoes! I got them resoled *I did try going out with the leather soles, but taking them out in rain and on concrete it was possibly my worst idea ever* and they have to be the most comfortable shoes I own. How did I get them? .............. I'm going to let you decide ;)

Whilst I do love a good hat, recently I've been wearing these ear muffs which were a gift from David's mum at Christmas. They are great if you don't want to ruin your hair but you do want to keep warm. Plus they make me feel like a Muppet -- and I'm ok with that :D

And last, but not least, my favourite gloves. These are my "Shady Lady" gloves from Kate Spade. Who knew mittens could be bad ass?!!

So, it turns out that making the sensible decision on outdoors clothing wasn't as painful as I initially thought. Yesterday morning the woman at the post office told me she loved it when I came in because I always looked so happy ... I'm starting to think it's because I was the only one who listened to their mother and dressed for the weather!


  1. Lovely outfit - that coat is really nice! :)

  2. That coat really is gorgeous- and those shoes! I never thought that bowling shoes could look that awesome! I already thought they were pretty cool despite not liking bowling but worn 'out of context' they really are brilliant!

    1. Thanks Michelle! Yeah, they get quite a lot of attention when they're not in the lanes. Despite being half red and half black you'd be amazed with how many things they go well with! They're also crazy comfortable - better than vans and cons by a mile. If only they came in more varieties - I'd have some for every occassion :D GLITTER BOWLING SHOES!!

  3. Loving your sensible cold weather attire and the fact that it's still full of fun. Those mittens are amazing! I had some eye ones from Monki but left them on the train :-( Really need to get some new ones cause it looks like it's going to remain cold for a while yet. And bowling shoes!! What a great idea for comfortable shoes that don't look like boring old school shoes. Xx

    1. Thanks Helen! I'm totally gutted that you lost your Monki gloves :( Eye mittens sound amazing! It does mean that you get to go on a fun new mittens hunt though :B Maybe you can find replacements on Ebay? x
