6 Feb 2014

Snail Mail Trade - Calling For Applicants!

Hello lovelies!

If you've been following us on twitter, you might have noticed quite a few tweets going out about swapping post. This year I've decided that snail mail is going to be higher on my list of priorities and I've been participating in a few of trades with strangers from the UK and America... It's been a huge amount of fun thus far - not only to you get to find fun things to send and get some fun surprises in the post, but you also get the chance to meet people from all over and make some lovely new friends!

Sounds pretty good, huh!

So, after  tweeting to ask if anyone else is interested in doing a swap and getting a great response, I've decided to create a *Snail Mail Trade* project of our own. Hooray!

How It Works

Interested in swapping post?
This project is open to people based in the UK and USA... if you're in another country and are interested, please let me know by commenting below - should enough people want to get involved we might be able to hit your country too... I can't make any promises yet, but you never know!

If you're interested in getting involved, please place a comment with your email address on this post by the 16th February.

I will email everyone after the closing date to check you're still wanting to be involved - it's OK if you change your mind, but it's NOT OK to flake - if you get involved please follow through, this project is all about good karma!

If you're participating, I will need your name, your postal address and any links to your blogs or pinterest account etc. This information will only be shared with who you are partnered with - under no circumstances will it be shared with anyone else (by agreeing to participate, you agree to this rule too - no sharing peoples info, it's mean!)

How does it work?
The deadline date for sending your items to your partner will be the 2nd March. That will give you 2 weeks to shop, wrap and send your package of happiness. Depending on the response to this blog post, I might push back the date a little, but I will keep you updated with the deadline when I email you individually.

There will be a £10 budget (or if enough of our lovely American friends get involved a $16 budget; same difference) to spend on your snail mail project. Over spending is fine as long as you do not expect the same in return. Please do not spend less - we'd like to keep it as fair as possible!

You cannot include the price of postage in the budget. This is to cover surprises only :D

Your partner may be in the same country as you ... but they might not be. I will try my best to organise it so no one is stuck with a hefty postage bill! Your partner will be paired with you at random - it might not be who you're sending your post to (it depends how many people want to get involved). If there is a random number of people involved, I will trade more than once - no one shall be left behind!

*SUGGESTIONS* perhaps you would rather swap with a partner in another country? Should enough people apply, I will be asking what you all think. I know this means it'll cost more to send, but it will mean surprises from somewhere new!

What to send?
This is a surprise project so you can send pretty much anything! Once you have your partners information, you'll be able to stalk visit their blogs and pinterest accounts to discover more about them and what they love the most :) The aim is to tailor your package to their interests and hobbies etc.

Please do not send any used items, any dirty items or any items that may get stopped by the postage system (UK see here) For instance, no liquids - there is special rules about nail varnish etc so please do not send any as it might not get through. Gifts from Poundland / dollar stores are discouraged - it's better to get 3 great things than 10 not so great things, you know?!

Possible sends could be: washi tape, stickers, notecards, lip balm, brooches, necklaces, something handmade, tote bags, cute socks, sprinkles, sanrio toys, sweets / candy, stationery... Please add any suggestions into your comments below :D

Please include a handwritten note to your partner too - it can be as long or as short as you like, but remember to say that you're swapping from the **Vivid Please Snail Mail Trade** so your partner know's that it's from you! You're also encouraged to dress up your package with doodles and stickers etc. The brighter the better!

Dont fret! I will ask you if you have any allergies or really dislike anything when you confirm you're getting involved in the project to make sure you don't get something that you can't play with. This information will only be passed onto your partner.

...And Then?
Once you've made up your package and posted it out, please email me to let me know you've done your bit... then wait for your surprise to arrive!
Once you get your package, email me to let me know. . . We'll be keeping this project anonymous but perhaps you can all take a picture of what you got and I'll do a big blog post to show off everyones trades (no one will be named, it'll just be an inspiration board for the next *snail mail trade* round 2!)

The idea is to send items you'd like to receive...
Please treat your partner as you wish to be treated!

Unfortunately I will not be able to police this project - I will be checking in and sending out reminders, but I cannot be held responsible for people who flake or packages that get lost. This project is all about good karma and random acts of kindness :) 

Ok, I know that's a lot of information to get us started, but I just wanted to make sure everyone knew the sort of thing that they were signing up to... It's not all set in stone yet - if anyone has any comments or suggestions please let me know! Hopefully some of you would like to get involved and get this project off the ground... if all goes to plan, this will happen more than once :D

Want in? Comment below with your email address by the *16th February*

Feel free to pin, blog and share the link to this blog post - the more people getting involved, the more fun it will be :D

.... Watch this space!

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  1. Sounds bloody brilliant! Please count me in - claireabellemakes@gmail.com

    What I want to know is if you are selling your snail mail stickers for us to use ;-)

    Claire x

    1. YAY!!
      *rains confetti*
      You've officially made this project begin Claire! Woohoo!

      Haha! Actually, I only got a bunch printed up for our new notecard sets and for me to use on anything I can get my hands on, but maybe I should! They've been getting a lot of kudos :D

    2. Ooh I feel all special now :-)

      I would deffo buy the cute little snails if you list them!

    3. I'll keep you updated ;)

  2. Count me in! Sounds amazing!

    My email is daintyandivory@yahoo.co.uk


  3. What a truly fantastically exciting idea!!! And I'm totally bummed that I'm freaking moving countries in a few weeks and can't join in : (

    Perhaps I could drop my email address and if you hear from any other peeps in the Netherlands (yup tulips and clogs ahoy!), then I'd love to send them a package of treasures (I promise, no posted cheese).

    gemma-roberts@hotmail.co.uk No worries if you can't find anyone for me, I'll just sit in the corner crying whilst marvelling at your updates on here…. ; )

    Faded Windmills

    1. Wow! That's so amazing :D Lucky you!! I'd be more than happy to contact you and keep you updated with our progress... Hopefully I'll be able to open it up to more places if I get good interest so don't get upset just yet hee hee!

    2. Fab!! Can't wait to hear how well it goes : )

  4. I think it sounds great! I'm in! thriftstorecrafter@yahoo.com (I'm in Arizona in the good ol' U.S. of A.). --Sarah

  5. Id love to be involved :)
    who doesn't love getting surprises in the post?!

    Hazel x

  6. Oh what a lovely idea! Count me in.
    Email is laura@lovemeagain.com

  7. Yay! This is amazing! I can't wait to participate: hello@thelaughingmedusa.com xo Sarah

  8. meeeeeeee! :) You have my email eh? :)

  9. Im in, and happy to post to the USA from the UK, info@butterfly-crafts.com

  10. Me, me!! k . wedlock [at] googlemail [dot] com ♥

  11. I would love to be a part of this!

  12. I think this is neat and would like to participate

    1. Excellent! If you could send me your email address that would be great - for some reason your name just links to pinterest :S

  13. Count me in, I love doing box swaps and this one sounds fab!
    Ali xx


  14. I'd love to take part, thanks for organising :)

    1. Brilliant! Please let me know your email address to send you the info nearer the time :D

    2. Sorry, I thought my email showed up with the comment, it usually does. You can reach me at lauradonald80[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk

  15. You can count me in! My email address is neptunesbounty8@gmail.com !

  16. Oh, count me in! This sounds fabulous, my email address is hannahrawrr@hotmail.com


  17. Such a completely great idea. Love it when organic ideas morph into something wickedly cool. But, alas, I am a Canadian gal, so let me know if you get enough interest and I'm there...with stamps and pen in hand. You can reach me at ritewhileucan@gmail.com

    1. Thanks Barb! I'm going to hang onto your email address and I'll keep you updated :D A Canadian swap would be awesome! xx

  18. Hey there! I'm totally game for this! It sounds like so much fun. :) My email is eclecticoasisart@aol.com


  19. Count me in please, sounds fab! jo@ynil.com

  20. Yes yes yes, I definitely want in! :) I'm happy to post anywhere!

  21. Yeah! I'd love to participate but I'm in France.

    1. Thanks Marie! I'll keep you on my list and let you know how I get on :)

    2. Hey this sounds great! I'm also happy to post anywhere.

      email: paperfolkshop@gmail.com

      Blog: paperfolk.blogspot.co.uk

  22. Oh ya! Sounds so fun! margaretannegibb@yahoo.com

  23. I would love to join in, it's been ages since I did a swap.
    We could share our lovely surprises on a pintrest board, just a thought.

  24. Yeahh definitely! This sounds great sallylewis15@hotmail.co.uk :)

  25. Count me in please, kiwijo95@yahoo.co.uk

  26. I would love to join in! my email is emma@letterloves.co.uk

  27. Me! Me! handoveryourfairycakes@hotmail.co.uk

  28. Me too! poetrybug@hotmail.co.uk :)


  29. I would love to join (and I wouldn't mind being put with someone outside of US or UK)

  30. I'm in! I'm in the UK and would be happy sending to within Europe, but ideally not US or other far away = expensive to send to places. franca(dot)macleod(at)gmail(dot)com

  31. Replies
    1. Yay! Please let us know your email address and I'll add you to our list

  32. Oh, go on then! I'm in the UK, but happy to send anywhere in the world! carmen [at] carmenland [dot] com :-)

  33. I'm no stranger to Snail Mail Pen Pals.
    I would love to have a new penpal.



  34. Hi, I'd love to take part! I'm in the UK and can't really afford to post abroad unfortunately! My email is ninegrandstudent@gmail.com


  35. **Adding from Twitter so I don't forgett**
    Seriously Shallow ‏@wowshallow
    @VividPlease would love to do this! On my mobile so not sure if my blog comment posted bt pls add msg_sarah at http://hotmail.co.uk

  36. YAY! I have wanted to do one of these for a long time, and I am so glad to have the chance to now! :-)

    Robin (therobinstree at gmail dot com)

  37. Hey really interested :) email is inspiredknotcreations@yahoo.com Thank you

  38. I'm from blog etsy team and I would like to be included as well:
    Many Thanks!

  39. This project sounds great, I would love to join in. Would post anywhere. My e-mail is hbougouizi@hotmail.co.uk

  40. **Adding from Twitter so I don't forgett**
    Bird House Press @BirdHousePress
    @VividPlease cheers! Email is rachel@birdhousepress.co.uk

  41. Yes! Me! jademariemartin@gmail.com

  42. sounds great. :-) sah_davies@hotmail.com

  43. I adore snail mail.
    One of my dreams is to wake up to a bundle of brightly coloured envelopes on my mat, instead of the usual boring white window envelopes filled with bills and spam! Thank you for coming up with such a brilliant idea. My email address is caboodles1980@icloud.com and I'm sarah.

  44. Would love to join in. meadow in disguise at gmail.com

  45. Ooh, yes, me please! queeniedot@hotmail.co.uk

  46. Just barely made the deadline! pbolesworth@gmail.com

  47. Yes please this sounds wonderful!

  48. Sounds great. Happy to post anywhere - the more random the better I do like annoying the Post Office coven. I'm sarahmacp@hotmail.com

  49. Would like to participate!

  50. count me in - s.moffat@me.com

  51. Exciting! I spy my super snail mail card + washi tape!! :D
    michelle@satchelsandpearls.com // Satchels + Pearls
