28 Aug 2013

When All Else Fails...

Make macaroons!

You know, we've been cutting some serious hours lately. Between new products, our new site and the pop up market, things have been pretty up in the air for us. I have to admit that today I am completely and utterly shattered and not really feeling myself. The best thing to do in times like these? Bake something bad ass.

We've been really fortunate over the past year; we've had our tote bag in Vogue Bambini, our pencils featured in Biba Magazine and our tutorials shared in several print publications and on lots of incredible websites. We got the chance to create an amazing window display for Coco's and launch Goodie Goodness (something I'm going to post about soon), and, most importantly, we've had the chance to meet and work with some fabulous makers.
When things are getting you down, I think the best thing to do is list out all your achievements and things you hope to achieve in the future.I've made a cuppa and a cracking batch of my favourite sweet treats. Looking back over all these incredible feats does make me feel incredibly proud and a lot better.  It's really easy to dwell on nonsense when things get tough, but you never know what's around the corner.

So now what? Find a challenge and take the plunge. What have you got to loose? Today I took a big step out of my comfort zone and hopefully it'll pay off. If it doesn't then it's not the end of the world; it's the trying that counts. People don't get anywhere if they don't take the risks, right?

So if you're having a difficult week, take a moment and stick your oven on. Bake, write your list and work out what challenge you're going to set yourself to get past the nonsense. If nothing else, you'll have a killer batch of macaroons to console yourself in...

Here's to you!


  1. Do you know, you're the second person I stumbled across who made macaroons? 10 minutes ago someone on TheWyvernsTail twitter following also posted some. I had some in The Netherlands, but I didn't like them at all. I'm not sure if they were made differently, or what, but they were horrible. They looked awesome, but they were not nice.

    You really have had an amazing year. Mine would have been similar, had everything not fallen through. A magazine wanted to print one of my pictures, and when I sent them the image, they stopped responding to me, and I can only assume have changed their mind; I had a shop in London want to stock some of my necklaces, but they wanted them for an obscenely low price, which wouldn't cover the work, and Tophatter went just awfully. The only real upside was the tiny tiny tiny order placed by a shop in Japan, and having a surprisingly successful August.

    Here's hoping that your success continues! And hats off to taking risks. You deserve all of your success, lovely x

    1. That's sad! I LOVE macaroons :B The one's I ate in Paris were totally the best thing in the world ever. There's no way to beat them if you ask me - it must be something in the water!

      Oh boy, I'm really sorry to hear that Kim :( If it makes you feel any better, that also happens to us a lot - often companies will get in touch with us with something really promising and it never goes anywhere which can be pretty soul destroying. It's important to keep going though because they're contacting you for a reason - don't give up! We often send out wholesale prices and get the same response from shops as you. If you want my opinion, the stores that want to purchase wholesale handmade goods for pennies are not worth selling with - they wont be working to promote you and support your business, they're only interested in a fast buck. If they don't appreciate the work that goes into it they're not really in the business of selling handmade, you know? I think the silver lining is the experience you garner from those situations as you realise your true worth which is really important when going it on your own.

      As for Japan - THAT's FREAKING AWESOME! What a totally amazing achievement, congratulations! I'm so pleased for you *andmassivelyjealous*!! We'd love to sell there - any excuse to visit :B It must be amazing to know that people that far away are paying attention to your shop, right? Just goes to show you're a wonderful maker :B xox

  2. Splendid macaroons! Congrats on all your magazine features too! :)

    1. Thanks so much! They were mighty tasty too - shame they never seem to last long ;)
