22 Jul 2013

Inspiration: Vintage NASA Images

As many of you will know, I'm pretty obsessed with NASA and space. In fact, it wasn't until my family took me to the Kennedy Space Center when I was a child where my imagination and interest was initially sparked. I wasn't even that excited to go (my brother was chomping at the bit!), but let me tell you, as soon as I stepped foot in that place my jaw dropped and I've never looked back since!

I was actually lucky enough to see one of the launches from where we were staying which is one of my favorite memories that I know for sure I will never forget! Well, today we're going to go back to NASA HQ and even though it's quite a different place to when I was a nipper (no more launches into space! BOO!!) I cant wait to get in there and explore the museum, discoveries and equipment... 

These are some of my favorite images from NASA's early days. Don't they look so 'future vintage'? They never fail to make me smile - especially the last one (best photo ever!) 

I hope you find these pictures as inspiring as I do. If these guys in the pool could go into outer space, absolutely anything is possible, right?

Here's to the bold men who went where no man has gone before.... and to one day, achieving that ourselves ;)

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  1. I went to the Kennedy Space Centre too as a child and never forgot it! What an awesome experience.

    Did you follow Chris Hadfield on recent his mission? He was such an inspiration :-)

    1. It's lovely to hear how much it resinated with other people too! Education can be fun - why can't schools do trips like this?! OMG! I loved that :D For any other space nuts out there, you need to watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaOC9danxNo

  2. Hey guys...I love that place too....isn't the capsule tiny...my mum lives in Florida so i get to go whenever i visit....I have also been to the one in houston...Florida is best...love your images especially the pool....bestest
    daisy x

    1. OH! Lazy Daisy Jones! I am so jealous of you! I've never been to Texas yet, but it's defo on my wish list of places to go one day :D I love the tiny capsules - I think thats the size of a one bedroom flat in Japan! Hee hee :D Bet you have some cracking adventures from your time in Florida too! It's the happiest place on earth!
