28 Jul 2013

Homeward Bound!

All good things must come to an end I guess! It's time for us to pack our bags and make the long trip back to the UK. We've had the most amazing time ever out here in America and I'd be pretty happy to stay out here if I could. We got the chance to see some incredible things and go on some pretty spectacular rides, not to mention spending some good ole fashioned quality time with Davids family. I'm so glad that I got to revisit some of my childhood memories and involve David in some old traditions, not to mention making a few new ones of our own too :D

I have to admit that I'm a little anxious of getting back into the swing of things when we get home. Running your own small business makes it pretty tricky to take a long break as there is so much stuff to pick up when you get back and no one to help you work out where to start. Fingers crossed the jet lag wont last too long and the sunshine follows us back to take the edge off things!

I'm really looking forward to unpacking all the treasures we picked up along our travels and going through some of our billions of pictures when we get home. I'll be sure to share lots of our inspiration and new collections when we've gotten settled too :) See you soon lovelies!
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  1. That is the cutest picture of you guys!!

    So pleased you had a good break, it was great to follow along with you on your adventures.

    Hope there isn't a backlog of biz stuff waiting for you x

    1. Aww thanks sweetie! Glad to hear you've been enjoying it all too :D

  2. I love youu vickkkyy. You are the cutest I think. [lol]. Well do stop by at my blog as well, I have started a serieeesss. ;)

    1. Aww thanks :B Sounds like you have a lot of fun stuff to catch up on!
