1 Jul 2013

Flight Essentials: How To Pack A Carry On

....Aaand we're off! This will be my second trip out to America this year, and I'm pretty pleased to share that I think I've got packing the essentials for a smooth trip down to a fine art. It's tough working out what to bring when you know your options are limited and your flight is long, so I thought I'd take a moment today to share my ultimate flight essentials.

Ready. Set. PACK!

I've managed to pack everything I need into a medium sized make up bag (or clutch)

Comfort: A blow up head rest and an eye mask. If you're flying overnight you want to get comfy! 

Sanity: If you can afford them, noise cancelling headphones are totally worth the investment. I find the noise of flights fatigues me (and does my head in!) Be sure to pack some ear plugs too :) If you're packing light and are fortunate enough to own one, pre-pack your smart phone full of films and books for entertainment

Health: There is nothing worse than feeling a bit crap on a plane. My mini emergency kit includes: headache pills, stomach settlers (Pepto or Rennies etc), hand sanitiser, a lip balm and some moisturiser (and/or an all over beauty balm like 8 hour cream or badger balm) Your skin gets super dry with the air conditioner so you need to take extra good care of it! A toothbrush and toothpaste is going to make you feel like a new person too :)

Beauty: You're probably not going to get on a flight in your full war paint, but you'll be thankful for these bits and pieces! A face spray is a great way to feel refreshed and moisturised without having to take off any make up, and the pamper factor can cheer you up when bord! I would also recommend bringing face wipes to take off anything you've got on before you go to sleep. No excuses ladies! A small perfume sample is also a great way to perk yourself up when your nose gets tired. Bring a small roll on deodorant (like I need to explain that one!) a packet of mints and a small packet of tissues. I also like to bring a comb and a hair mist (FIY: the one shown is only for the photo! Make sure it is not in a can as you can not take aerosols on a plane!) A sea spray hair mist will refresh your hair and give it  a little volume and texture too. A handy little pocket mirror will save on bathroom trips to sort yourself out too ;)

Extreme Beauty: If you feel naked without your make up on, you might want to bring a couple of cosmetics too. Be stringent! Pack your favorite every day lipstick and trusty eyeliner and put them on just before you land. If you rock up to customs with too much slap on they'll start asking questions ;) hee hee!

Compact or what! But I got it allllllll in :D I'm ready for being on this plane for days now. Here's hoping for some good in-flight movies...

Happy Travels!
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  1. Heh, warpaint ^^

    Given that my flights are only just over an hour my carry on consists of books. I don't know how much I expect to read but there are always three books in my carry on anyway xD
    I'd not thought of packing headache and stomach stuff, so I think I will next time because I've always gotten travel sick since I was a kiddily wink! Have a safe flight ♥ I tweeted you yesters in case you didn't see it today - but you did!

    1. 3 books! That would take me a week ;) They're a defo must have for anyone who doesn't have the luxury of a smart phone or eReader, that's for sure. Time passes much quicker when you've got a world to get lost in :D
      I have a whole bunch of supplies on me at all times for those problems - I'm like a walking pharmacist! hee hee!
      Thanks so much for the well wishing :D It's going to be epic! xox
