30 Aug 2012

Featured: Blog & Buy Sale's Back To School "Top 10 Essentials"

Earlier this week we got featured in Blog & Buy Sale's Top 10 Back To School Essentials!
With so many awesome goodies we couldn't resist posting the whole collection. Ahhh, to see our stationery beside Tatty Devine and Lazy Oaf - what a dream :) 
Hands up who wants one of those paper plane pencil cases!!
Good times and happy days... visit Blog & Buy here and click here for our Spectacular Geek stationery. Happy scribbling! 
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  1. Congratulations and what a great feature! I think we can all use a little organization and what a fun way to do that.

    1. Thanks Sheryl :D
      Love to be organised ... well, when they are pretty things that is ;)
