17 Jul 2012

Edible Cinematic Experiences...

Yeah, you read right, Edible Cinematic Experiences... And you can count us in!

The latest fad to 'hit the big screen' is a cinematic experience that get's you so close to the film that  you can actually taste it. Thanks to London's Electric Cinema, 3D films have a younger and cooler little sister that is going to blow them into last week!

Beginning in May with the epic Pan's Labyrinth, each screening is designed to do more than simply titillate your taste buds; it is designed to heighten the viewers sensory experience through 'the smell, texture and even the way your mouth feels after eating'. Intriguing, right?! But how does it work? Well, the audience members are each given a series of numbered packages before the film begins. Each package contains a different item. At specific points during the movie, a place card is shown indicating the number of which package to open and enjoy. For instance, during Pan's Labyrinth, pine-smoked popcorn accompanied a scene that took place in the Spanish woodland, while viewers were treated to a carbonated red grape at the very moment Ofelia ate an enchanted one. That's pretty cool, right?

To check out when their next increEDIBLE film experience is happening, be sure to visit the Electric Cinema here. Heres hoping they come di something so fun and inspiring in Scotland soon too!

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  1. That sounds so cool! I bet I couldn't convince Seeg that it's awesome though :P I'd love to give it a try!

    Plus, eating is always good.

    1. Hahaha! Eating is always good :D
      I just love how cinemas are always trying to find new ways to make the experience more exciting and inventive. I would love to give people some of my illustrations with items to consume to enhance the experience! What a brilliant idea!

  2. I love this idea and I'd really like to see one come my way.

    I'm wondering how much liability they have though. I mean, I don't know about the UK, but food allergies run rampant here in the states and most banquet halls won't even offer dishes with common allergens.

    Having a mystery bag of food sounds like a one way ticket to a lawsuit. Granted, those with severe allergies should be avoiding such a thing, but you know how people are.

    As a person without allergies, however, I really really REALLY want to attend a theatre like this! :D

    Chocolat or Willy Wonka would have my vote for the next film! Though Pan's Labyrinth is a fantastic movie. Great choice to kick off the experience.

  3. Hello Frenchie :)

    You raise a very good point here!
    I'm not sure how they deal with that, but I'm sure that you would be asked of allergies before they give you the goodie bags. The last thing anyone wants is someone breaking out during the movie! They may even have alternative treats for those cases too, but I'm not certain. Although we are very allergy aware in the UK, America is usually waaay ahead on these things so I bet if you were to have them there, they would be well better!

    Oh my god, a Willy Wonka edible movie experience sounds so good it has brought a tear to my eye! Perhaps you should look into setting it up - you would make a FORTUNE on those golden tickets :D
