13 Jun 2012

A Vivid Please Makeover!

It's live!
After a lot of planning, tweaking, testing and general playing about, our shiny new blog is good to go!

We have geared this redesign around making things easier for you, our lovely reader, to navigate, read, contribute and keep up-to-date with what we are doing.

There is still more to add in days & weeks to come, but in the meantime keep an eye out for any little bugs or funny bits. We would also love to hear what you think of our lovely new look, so please leave us a comment with your opinions!

We hope you love it as much as we do :D
Vivid xox

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  1. OOOOOH! It looks great! I especially love the ribbons down the side!
    How do you feel about it? I hate redesigning my blog because I find myself just looking for problems or looking for a way it could be made better. I'm rarely content.

  2. Yay! Thanks Kim!
    We feel BRILLIANT about it! We think we've outdone ourselves with this one :D I'm going to put myself out there and lay claim to being one of the best looking blog designs out there. Go Team!
    Currently there is absolutely nothing I would change about it, but it's only been live a few hours so if we find any bugs we will iron them out as soon as possible. I couldn't be more happy with it! A lot of thought and time went into it and it looks so much better than we could have imagined :)
    We hope everyone else like it too :D

  3. I love the make-over, it looks really nice! You have done a really nice job. I am very much a color person and they harmonize just great!

    1. Hi CW!
      Thanks so much, so glad to hear that it's going down well :D delighted that you are enjoying the colours - we are very much colour people too and have quite the crush on pastels at the moment!
      Your comment made us smile, thanks for taking the time to make it :D

  4. It looks lovely! Love the background too:)

    1. Thanks so much Nancy! It's very sweet shop chique, isn't it :D
