7 Jun 2012

Thrifting Tips! How To Bag A Bargain ...

We are avid thrifters! 
If there's a flea market/yard sale/car boot sale/market on you can guarantee that we've cleared our day to spend as much time as possible rummaging and bartering. We love to collect odd trinkets and objects, vintage goodies and things that we can make a project out of. Vivid HQ is like an Aladdin's cave, however our treasures are not about value in money, but the value in inspiration. We need a lot of visual stimulation in our space to get our creative juices flowing and find that thrifting is a great way to get excited and get lots of ideas.
So today we thought we would share some top tips for those of you looking for inspiration and a good buy :)

1) One Man's Trash...
Ok, so rummaging through someone's stuff can feel a little awkward at times. We're British, so we definitely feel that as we are painfully private! The first thing to do is realize that they have brought these things to the market because they want rid of it. They want you to get up to your elbows and spend every penny you own; they have moved on and so should you! If you want to bag a bargain or find a gem, you have to get stuck in there. Remember that these are only people, and they want their old belongings to go to a nice home, so always be polite. A lovely buyer has more chance of getting a better price than a rude one! And just because they're getting rid of it doesn't mean it's worth trash...


2) Get Your Hands Dirty!
If you have a problem with getting your hands dirty, you're not going to find anything good. It's that simple. Vintage gems can often be quite dirty as they have been dug out of the attic during a clean out and stuck straight into a box for the sale. You know you're going to get a better deal if it's dirty as the seller isn't a dealer; they just want rid. You can save a lot of money just because you have to clean it yourself. It sounds silly but it's true! When rummaging always look past the dirt and see the potential. A good scrub can turn many vintage items from rags to riches; and to think you didn't want to touch it! We found this old pink weighing scales and it was super gross. So gross that everyone thought we were mad for wanting it! We got it dirt cheap (wink!) and with a hoover, a little washing up liquid and some elbow grease we got ourselves a beautiful vintage item. Go team! When going thrifting always remember to wash your hands before you eat or if you're a real neat freak, you can always bring some anti-bacterial wipes for your hands :) 


3) Stitch & Bitch
Just because it's ripped doesn't mean it's worthless. Many people will sell on things with a small rip in them because they replaced it. And because it has a hole in it, they wont charge you much to take it off their hands! Get yourself a needle and thread with the money you saved and mend your heart out :) Remember you can also embellish and make items your own with small additions too. I mended this wonderful bag from the 50s with this incredible NASA patch (it's my all time favorite patch and I wanted to take it everywhere) How amazing do they look together? Exactly. And I am DELIGHTED as no one has a NASA bag :B


4) Use Your Imagination...
We like most things for how they look, but often the things we find from a thrift-a-thon rarely ends up being used for it's original purpose. We love to upcycle & repurpose and think the best buys can often be the ones that surprise you. A little imagination and some crafting time can make old curtains into a dress, a suitcase into a footstool and some old trinkets into some new accessories. Sprinkle a little creativity into your hunting and you'll come up with some of your favorite things :D Don't be afraid to take risks and make mistakes; if you don't try it, you'll never know!


5) Be Brave & Barter!
Don't be afraid to ask what the best price is when thrifting (not in a charity shop, only at markets we mean!) People will often lower their original price if you ask them if they would take a couple of quid less. If you are buying more than one item from someone, ask if they can do a deal for the two, like round them together. Most people don't mind being asked, but those who do will often say they are selling it for a friend or that the price is the price. It's ok to ask, but it is not ok to push! Know when to stop, you don't want to offend anyone for the sake of a few pounds. Remember to treat people how you wish to be treated; being rude will not get you anywhere!


We hope you found our top 5 thrifting tips helpful!
To get the best out of any event, make sure you turn up early to avoid the crowds and get the pick of the fair. Be patient; if you keep your eyes peeled you will get what you're looking for. I have been looking for the Green Lady painting and the painting of Tina for YEARS and I found both of them at the last fair we went to! Finally, our last piece of advice is to always go with an allocated amount of money that you're happy to blow, regardless of what it goes on; if you love it, you love it! 

Have fun, be nice and get involved... 
Good luck & happy thrifting everyone :D


  1. I love the hunt for treasures and bargains! Thanks for the tips. :)

    1. Hooray! No problemo, we hope they come in useful :D
      Happy hunting!

  2. I am in love with those scales!! and the dress you made from kitty fabric,FABULOUS!! Cant wait for the carboot on sunday now,im ready to rumble!! x

    1. Thanks Scrimpaholic :D I'm glad to hear it as most people give me a funny look when I'm wearing the kittens... and they thought I was out of my tree when bartering on an old set of dirty scales! Haha! Oh, if they could see me now :D
      I'm glad you're excited for the car boot sale - I think everyone should take it up as a hobby, it's the best fun in the world! Good luck, I hope you find some awesome treasures x

  3. I do love some thrifting! But actually never been to a car boot sale... will definitely try to visit one soon.

    1. Oh Mysterious Cats! You are missing out, car bootys often have many treasures :D If you see a local one coming up you should defo go :D

  4. As an avid recycler, reclaimer, reuse of old stuff, I love this advice for getting the most out of a bargain. I'm going to add you to my blog as well as tweet this.

    1. Thanks so much Gebrichi! We're delighted to hear that you've gained some tips from our post :D We hope you find some wonderful treasures for it too :) Thanks for supporting us x
