17 Jun 2012

DIY: How To Decorate Ceramics With A Sharpie!

Today we thought we would share how to customise ceramics on the cheap...
Be it a mug, some plates or a tea pot you want to decorate, you can do it in a snap. How?
Well, using a Sharpie of course!

As you can see, I have this incredible mint green mug, which really is Vivid-tastic, but it is crying out for a little bit of love. This tutorial is perfect for up-cycling and refreshing your home-wears without breaking the bank and it takes only 30 minuits to do. Sounds brilliant, right? Well then, lets get on with it!

All you need is your plate or mug (or anything ceramic for that matter!), a Sharpie marker pen and an oven.
Start by giving your little project a quick wash with soap and water, and dry it off completely. Then, draw your design on using a pencil to start with. Some guidance is always useful with these things, especially if it is rounded or shaped funny.

When you're happy with it, use your Sharpie marker to draw over your incredible design.
See here, I have gone with my Tea-Total banner. Classic :D
If you make any mistakes you can easily wipe it off with a little bit of wet kitchen roll. 
Awesome, I know!


Then, when you're done, pop it in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees celsius...

Baking your lovely creation will make the ink permanent, so be sure you are good to go before you heat it up. You will need to let it cool down for some time after it has finished in the oven as it will be as hot as the sun! Make sure you use some gloves to take it out too as you don't want to burn your hands with your new project either...

Once it has cooled, you will have an awesome decorated mug!

The perfect DIY just in time for Fathers Day :D What do you think? I say we're going to have the coolest kitchen set in town...

Happy Making!

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  1. You bake them? Is that how you keep the ink permanent?

    1. Yup :D
      So long as you don't abuse your work with those nasty scourers they are good to go!
      You likey? My tea tastes EXTRA good now :)

  2. What a great idea and so simple too!
    (IBT, Etsy)

    1. Thanks Handmade Cuties :D
      We hope you have fun trying it out!

  3. sharpie tea will so go with those nice plaster biscuits!

  4. Such a cute Idea! Shame I'm not a massive tea drinker! Maybe I'll decorate one for someone who is!

    1. Thanks Animal Cafe!
      It would make a killer gift, I'd be delighted to get one ;)
      Enjoy x

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Mysterious Cats :)
      It's now my favorite mug!

  6. Jodie Stephenson26 June, 2012 09:57

    I think I did it wrong.. the outside of the cup cracked in the oven :( will try again cause I am soooo desperate to do this

    1. Hi Jodie

      Sorry to hear your mug cracked! I've done this project a few times and I have never experienced a problem like that. Did you check for any cracks or weaknesses before you placed it in the oven? If there was a hole or a bubble in it, the heat would have caused it to crack (or explode!) When in a kilm, you need to make sure there is no bubbles in pottery as the hot air gets trapped in it and it needs to escape. If it can't, the air starts to expand the hotter it gets, and it will force its way out.

      I honestly think that wont happen again, so definitely give it another go :D if you're a little anxious, you could try putting the mug in the oven for a while first to see if there are any problems before you start decorating it, but I would be amazed if it happened again. Double check your oven temps and times again to be sure, but most mugs are incredibly robust!

      Hope that helps explain things & good luck!

  7. Can you do this with glass plates?

    1. Hmmm... I've not tried it with glass, but if it is pyrex (glass that you can heat up in the oven) I don't see why it wouldn't work. Normal glass would break in the heat so defo check before you start.
      Good luck!

  8. Hi! Can you do this on plates and is it safe to eat of off?
    I read elsewhere that people used porcelain pens but it wasn't safe for the ink to come in contact with any food, even after the item is baked in the oven.
    I really want to do this for my daughter's birthday!


    1. Hello!
      You know, that is a great question. And in all honesty I am not sure of the answer!
      You can use the sharpie tutorial on plates, but if you were to then put soup or something hot and wet on top of it it is probably not going to be very good for you at all. But, if it is just for a piece of birthday cake, I think it would be alright. I would advice testing it first and making sure whatever goes on it isn't scratchy as you don't want your awesome artwork scraped off and eaten. Personally, I've eaten off plates with sharpie and with porcelain pen ink baked on and I lived, but I like to throw caution to the wind ;)

  9. Hey,

    I have a few questions for you. Should I put my plate in the oven while it is warming up? Do I need to put it on a cookie sheet or something? And I've heard to put it in the oven for 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Is that too warm for it?

    Any information would be great! Thanks!

    1. Hello!

      Thanks for getting in touch :)

      I wouldn't put the plate in the oven until it is fully heated. Once the temperature is correct in your oven give it 10 mins or so before putting your plate in as it will ensure the heat is more even if you know what I mean.

      You can pop it on a tray / cookie sheet to help you get it in and out more easily, but if you didn't bother it wouldn't matter really. I did mine without one (using some really good oven gloves to lift it out of course!!) and all was fine. Just depends on your confidence :)

      As for the heat, in the UK we use celsius, but I think 350 fahrenheit is about the correct conversion so that should be fine :)

      Good luck!

    2. I've always heard you should put ceramics and glass into a cold oven and let it heat up gradually, otherwise you may get cracking, as the previous poster did. Sudden differences in temperature crack ceramics and glass.

    3. Thanks for sharing SummoningMuse!

      We didn't experience any problems from putting the ceramics in when our oven was heated but your advice is much appreciated :)

  10. Have just found this - great idea for grandchildren. Can it be put in a dishwasher afterwards?

    1. They will love it :D perfect entertainment for the holidays!

      It's actually better to wash these in the dishwasher. If you're washing them by hand you have to be really gentle; if you use a scourer you may scratch the design. Dishwashing is ideal :)

      Hope you all have lots of fun!

  11. Nice one! :)
    I live in Finland and im not sure, that do we have those "sharpie markers" in here. So can I just use permanent marker?
    And, i noticed that some of ur pics are from instagram ;) whats ur insta, i could follow you :)

    1. Hello!
      We've not tried this with a traditional marker ourselves, but reckon it's worth a shot :) How magical can a sharpie be?! hee hee
      We'd love to follow you on instagram :) We're @vividplease
      Good luck!

  12. have you tried the metallic sharpies? i am going to decorate something dark and dont want to ruin it if it's not going to work
