7 May 2012

Over the (Super)moon!

For those of you who are followers of our blog, you will know that I am a space nut!
With this year's Supermoon making its appearance on Saturday, we were glued to the sky waiting to see this amazing phenomenon. As you can see, it was worth the late night!

This beautiful supermoon is caused by the moon traveling closer to planet Earth than usual on its elliptical orbit. When the moon appeared at its biggest, it was only 221,457 miles away, which is a whopping 17,149 miles closer than its usual distance! Crikey!

Known to astronomers as a Peigree full moon, the moon appeared 14% bigger and 30% brighter as it passed closer to us. If you were in a spot with a clear sky, you got the chance to create the most stunning images imaginable! We couldn't resist sharing our favorite snaps as we are so mesmerised by the event. Pretty awe inspiring, isn't it?

We'd love to share your snaps too if you stayed up to take them :D 
Make sure you comment below with your links and stories of how you're moon day went!

*High Fives to all Space Nuts*


  1. *high five* I totally forgot to look for this! I meant to tell my dad since he has a telescope and a 2x converter for his camera but I totally...hehe...spaced!

  2. hahaha! I see what you did there ;P
    It was kinda foggy where we were, but when we saw it, we saw it good! Sounds like your dad is a space wizard :D {JEALOUS!!}

  3. Those images are incredible! It was also cloudy where we were, but I popped outside at around 1am and it was nice and clear. Love a full moon. Especially a super moon!

  4. Thanks for commenting Kindred and Greenstar! We can't wait till next year's big day :) apparently the moon will be slightly further away than this years so it wont be quite as big and bright, but it will still be way bigger than ususal! May try and find where the optimum viewing country is too :D
