21 May 2012

Our Holiday In Snapshots...

We've had such amazing holiday at home this week! 
Here is a little photo diary of what we did together...

We discovered lots of new cafes and cute little shops that we never knew existed. Most importantly found the most amazing little frozen yoghurt bar which has quickly become our favorite place to be... There is something about super white places with big splashes of colour that makes us very happy and inspired. Add tasty frozen treats and you'll never get rid of us! 

Although our week being 'offline' has been super hard, it has been incredibly worth while.
We loose far too many hours to our laptops and started to realize that it was getting too much. It's very easy to get sucked into stats and trying to make your online business to work that it can become an unhealthy obsession! Stepping away meant slowing down, spending time with friends and family and enjoying the world as it goes by. We went on mini adventures around town, discovered new markets, caught films we'd been itching to see and spent time catching up with old friends and family. It's been lovely enjoying the little details that can be easily overlooked!

So, after week full of tricks & treats we're feeling really refreshed and ready to start over :D We're going to work on creating a new schedule which allows many more breaks and makes sure we have plenty of inspiration-breaks... After all, all work and no play makes Vivid a disastrous duo!

If you're like us and spend a lot of time working online, make sure you book in a week of laptop-free fun soon. It's not easy at first, but we promise it's worth it! 

We hope you've had an awesome week and didn't miss us too much :P


  1. Hi from InteractivBloggingTeam on Etsy!
    I sooooo know what you mean about 'time away from your laptop'. Make it 'internet'. I sometimes feel like a total addict ;)
    Sounds like you had a great week!

    1. Hello hello!
      It's lovely to meet you CW :D thanks for commenting!
      We're relieved to hear others struggle with web addiction too - for a while we thought we were the only ones! Make sure you take regular breaks to avoid the dreaded 'square eyes' as my mum would call it haha :) hope you've had a great monday too!

  2. I'm trying, I promise! :D
    I;m so glad you're week's been great, and your photos look so bright and happy - it's strange, even your camera seems happy for a holiday! They all look so refreshing and make me want to hit the "off" button right now...but I'm in the middle of an extreeemely important email about Hobbits. Or, at the moment, that's what it's about xD ♥
    I'll try and grab some pictures for an equally refreshing week! :D My camera may love me more for it too.

    1. Aww thanks Kim :D ♥ hee hee My camera is definitely in a better mood this week. Having sunshine can work wonders! Lets hope it stays!!

  3. Very cool! Love the photo diary of your days.

    1. Thanks Kindred! I think it is something we are going to do more often - good excuse for a few days off :D

  4. Oh haiiii! I was wondering where you have vanished... But now I know! I am away just now too, but it's not completely laptop free... It is however drawing pictures full, so it's okay ;) Soooooo goooood to be away and not have to stress about anything!

    1. Oh Zu! Sorry I completely zoned out and forgot to update you :S I hope you're having an amazing trip :D Looking forward to seeing some new illustrations when you get back, I hope you do a mini photo diary too as I bet it would be awesome! xx

  5. Looks like you had a great time! I totally agree that we really get carried away by our online businesses and sometimes we forget to take some time to enjoy ourselves and refuel. I also think is important to getting inspiration.
    Great pictures and ice cream makes me look forward to my holiday to Italy next week ;)

    1. Hello Mysterious Cats!
      It's good to hear that we are not alone - working so hard on the web can leave you quite isolated even if you are emailing friends! I hope you have an amazing time in Italy :) The ice cream there is INCREDIBLE! Have an extra one for us :D Thanks for commenting x

  6. I want to eat every delicious looking treat in those pictures. Ah! It's great that you guys took a break. My husband, little man and myself are having a No-Commitments-Stay-Cation starting next Monday. No one is allowed to ask us for anything, and we aren't allowed to make any commitments during those 7 days. Laptop usage will be minimal, and hopefully none at all. I'm trying to get all of my posts done for next week so that I can have some much needed family/fun time. We all need it!
