19 Dec 2011

DIY: How To Make Snow Globes!

Holy Moley!
Ever wanted to know how to make your own snow globe? Well we have just the tutorial for you! We have quite the crush on the magical little jars with goop inside ... who isn't?
We thought this would be the perfect tutorial to share being so close to Christmas, but being a curiously creative bunch, we decided to mix it up and show you how to make a hawaiian glitter globe instead. Awesome!

You will need:
A fun object to live inside your snow globe (ours is a flamingo!)
A smooth jar with screw top lid (beets anyone?)
The magic ingredient, Glycerine (shhh)
Enamel paint

You will also need cold water, a paint brush and a glue gun (or superglue and a lot of patience!)

First up, empty out your beets and clean out that jar!
Then you need to get painting. With the lid on the jar, apply x2 coats of enamel paint. Make sure you let it dry before you start getting water on it as you don't need paint smeared all over your kitchen!

Then you need to glue your object of desire on the inside. Don't worry too much if you get globs round the edges as you're not really going to notice it once your masterpiece is completed...

Ever wondered how a snow globe works?
Cold water and glycerine, thats how!
Fill up your jar with cold water so it is almost brimming, then add 2-3 teaspoons of glycerine and stir it in. It will go a little cloudy at first, but that's just the magic happening. Persevere!
Once its all clear again, add a sprinkle of glitter. We mean a sprinkle too - if you go overboard it will go all clumpy and gross. Stir it all up and screw your lid shut..

Isn't he just darling?
And now you can make them all day, every day with anything you can get your hands on!
If you notice you have lots of glitter clumping, carefully unscrew the lid and scoop out the excess with a spoon. Then, once you are happy with the consistency we recommend you glue your lid shut to make sure a nosey person doesn't spill it everywhere :)
Most of all, enjoy!

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