2 Dec 2011

DIY: Dice Cufflinks

Like our new dice cufflinks?
We made them ourselves!
Perfect for boyfriends, parties and stocking fillers, this week's tutorial is quicker to make than a roll of the dice. And cute too!

So, you will need the following:
*Wooden dice* 2 if you are nervous about sawing them - backups are always good
*Saw* we used this jewelry saw from our silver smithing days; you need a medium-fine tooth blade to cut through the dice... the one in dad's garage may be a little too tough!
*Glue gun* hot glue is the best, but super glue will do the job if your stuck... haha!
*Cufflinks* we got these from our local bead store, but you can get them online or on eBay too.

First up, you want to saw your dice on the diagonal.
Start really slowly to make a cut a few millimeters deep before your speed up. This part will take you the longest, but we promise it is worth it. The longer you take the better the cut you will get - try to ensure you don't go off course as you want to have the two cufflinks the same size after all. Remember you can use the second dice for the other half if needed!

All done!
Mine is a little rough, so I'm going to sand it down a little... I'm pretty anal like that. Don't worry if you are too lazy to do this - no one will get splinters unless you've done a terrible job! hee hee

Satisfying, isn't it?

Next up, put hot glue on the metal cufflink and press it onto the back of the dice. Hold for a few seconds to set and repeat with the other cufflink. Then all you need to do is let them dry for as long as you can. . . as we have zero patients, this was only about 40 minutes!

Great, right? And you saved so much money making them yourself. Do you know what that means? You earned yourself a frappuccino. High Five!

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial - let us know how you get on :)


  1. You can definitely see your enthusiasm in the work you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t? ¯t afraid to say how they believe. Always go after your heart.

  2. i know i’m a little off topic, but i just wanted to say i love the layout of your blog. i’m new to the blogegine platform, so any suggestions on getting my blog looking nice would be appreciated.

  3. Aww thanks so much for the kind words, they are incredibly appreciated!
    We can't seem to find your blog - perhaps you could send us an email and get in touch? We are still learning ourselves but always happy to help :)
    Thanks again for the comments!!
