14 Nov 2011

Top 5 Crushes: Books From Our Bedside Tables...

This week we thought we would share our top 5 books before bedtime...
Although we love to curl up with a good book, we often find it difficult to find ones we fall in love with. Having the combined patience of a spanner, reading a book from start to finish is as rare as completing a game of Monopoly without anyone cheating (that's rare!)

So in no particular order, here are the books that have managed to keep our attention:

It's no secret that we are big fans of the Foo Fighters and Mr Dave Grohl - therefore you're probably not surprised that this book has made it onto our list. However, this book is much more than just an indulgence of the man himself. If you have an interest in punk and rock n roll music you will learn a lot from this book. Namely: how to become a rockstar without losing your soul. Simply put? This book is a must.

Caitlin is a rockstar in her own rites and we have to admit we have developed quite a crush on her. This books takes us through her journey from tween into dream with all the funny, gory and slightly disturbing bits we would never have admitted to in between. It is witty and laugh out loud funny, and reminds us that feminist is not a dirty word.

Why would we read a travel book about the country we already live in? Because Bill Bryson is awesome, that's why. This book is more about the people who live in this rainy island than the towns he visits during his tour and by golly it's good. This book will make you want to embrace your inner Brit ... or seek them out if you live elsewhere!

Did you know that Pricilla was only 14 when she first met Elvis? Me neither!
Read this book if you would like to know what it would have been like dating the king of rock, and get a glimpse into whole other world. Was it a curse or a blessing? Either way, we would have loved to play dress up in their wardrobe!

Growing up, my mother always taught me never to judge a book by its cover.
With a cover as beautiful as this one, it is easy to see why that gem of advice got tossed out the window! This book was good enough for Judi Dench, therefore it's going to be good enough for me. And it was! Need we say more?

And so we come to the end of our Top 5 Book Crushes. You can click on each highlighted title for a link to an online bookstore, but if you have a soul and some spare cash we recommend you pick them up from your local bookstore. Think of the extra money you are parting with as a donation to the high street cause. Where would we be without our local book shops?

Happy reading...

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