3 Nov 2011

It's Britney Bitch.

Sorry, can't talk now - we're off to see Britney!
Yup, you heard right, Vivid are taking a day trip to Newcastle for a long awaited date with the Princess of Pop herself and we have to admit, we are pretty psyched about it!

A lot of people seem to be surprised by our love of Ms Spears, but we find it hard to believe that they aren't secret fans too. This songstress has had more hits than we've had pizza for breakfast and that is something everyone should be impressed of!
Plus you know her stage show is going to be killer. We aren't sure what she has in store for us, but she doesn't do things by half now, does she hee hee! So next time you here one of Brit's tracks come on the radio, crank it up and sing it loud ... you know you wanna!

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