14 Oct 2011

American Picture Peeks...

After a solid few days of uploading, backing up and deleting, here at Vivid HQ we are starting to get on top of all of the photographs taken during our states trip. This has been a very long and painful process, but by golly has it been worth it!

We have seen so many awesome things that we want to share with you, but as time is of the essence we thought we would tease you with this hand full for now and save the rest for later...

Each city visited brought so much inspiration (and perspiration!), that it will take a lifetime to fully digest. We fell in love with The Deep South, which is remarkably rich culture and has the best BBQ food we have ever tasted!

Without a doubt, we packed in a ridiculous amount during our short tour, but there was plenty more we would have loved to have done... Isn't that always the way?
I think the most impressive thing we found were the little treasures that have been preserved over the years. The Hatch Print Show studio is still a working studio today, where letter pressing is their speciality. We were in heaven!

And Boy Oh Boy the Greyhound!
I don't know if you are aware of these buses, but do not be deceived by Paris and Nicole's adventures durning The Simple Life! If you're looking to do a short trip, then by all means go for it... But if you are planning to go somewhere which will take you 13 hours on one of these, you are going to be in for one heck of a trip!

All in all, this has to be one of our all time favorite trips.
If you ever get the chance to go to any of these places, jump at it! With so many famous artists, writers, singers and musicians we think there really is something in the water over there. . . and we hope we drank enough from the tap for the magic to rub off on us too!

Thanks for having us USA, you're a doll.

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