17 Aug 2011

Hot Diggity Dog!

What's the beef?
We don't normally do reports on things in the news, but this one we just couldn't resist...

A law suit is (geuninly!) being fought between two of America's biggest dawg players and we are ready to rumble! Incase you hadn't heard, Oscar Mayer Weiner and Ball Park Franks & Hot Dogs are battling to get the official title of Top Dog USA.
Finally, something lighthearted in the news that we can get involved in!

We have been killing ourselves laughing at the pun-erific news reports with this little segment. With journalists going to town with teasers, referring to the situation as a 'dog fight', they talk about the 'legal beef's" and arguments being 'mustard' against the other side - the even possibility of a 'hung...rey' jury, it's hard not to see the funny side.
Read more here or check out the hysterical report here

As said by the judge, "Let the Wiener Wars begin!"
I know who we are voting for...

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