30 Aug 2011

Hair Battle Spectacular!

Our current favorite TV show comes with added backcombing and an absurd amount of Elnet...
Bring on Hair Battle Spectacular where the bigger the barnet the better!

We are massive fans of giant hair, so naturally we tuned in to this show as soon as we heard about it. Far better than America's Next Top Model (the UK's isn't fierce enough for us!), this show's soul purpose is to have contestants battle it out by creating the most outrageous hair styles. Who doesn't want to see that?!

With more fake hair than you can throw a stick at, this is one reality show we would love to get involved with. With each challenge there is a new object to incorporate or theme to go by, and we are simply in awe with what the contestants have come up with!

Light hearted and a whole lot of fun, we think this is going to make it big in the UK soon. Either way we will be piling our hair high and sticking in anything we can get our hands on from here on in. The bigger the better baby; bring it on!
Find out more here and be sure to tune in for some awesome hair-spiration...

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