27 Jun 2011

Festival Survival Kit

Festival season is upon us!
With our first one up in a few days time we thought we would let you peek into our very own festival survival kit. We would be quite happy if these were the only belongings we could take on our trip...not including tent and saved up pennies of course!

Our top tips for what to bring includes extra toilet paper, anti-bacterial hand gel and baby wipes. This sound's a little hardcore, but festival toilets are not the best and these basics run out quickly! Trust us, you will be grateful in the long run. We recommend keeping make-up to a minimum as everyone gets a little scruffy in a field - you would look strange if you were shoveling it on when you are going to get covered in mud, right? Finally, remember to bring plenty of toothpaste, plasters, paracetamol and even a lighter - even though we don't smoke! These are key things which will win you new friends as they are so easily forgotten... festival spirit is all about sharing and getting the banter - we are all in it together afterall!
Last but not least, remember your camera :)

First up Milton Keynes... we can't wait!
Happy camping everyone!

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