10 Jun 2011

DIY: How To Make Mini Apple Pies

Today we are going to make Apple Pies :D

Homemade Apple Pie

These cute little treats are not only delicious and great with coffee, but are really easy to make too. Thank goodness! You can get a little extra help from ready made pastry/pastry mix too, meaning you get pies even faster. Winner! We are all for the mix stuff which can be easily found in your local supermarket and only needs icing sugar and a little cold water added to have it sweetened up and ready to go. We used half a bag for our recipe (225g excluding icing sugar and water), which will made about 10 apple pies; just the right amount if you ask us!

pastry mix, (or if you are making from scratch, check out here)
a couple of apples
a hand full of raisons
a dash of cinnamon
a little brown sugar
some flour for both dusting and to put in the pie mix
and finally a little egg if you want that golden glaze!

Ok, ready? Here we go...

Pastry Dough

Mix up your pastry mix according to the packet, adding your cold water in slowly. You don't want the mix to be too wet or sticky as you want it to be easy to work with. This part is super quick if cutting corners and using the ready made stuff like us. Pastry mix isn't hard to do from scratch, it's just a little bit of an extra faff if you ask us. Some people put the mixed dough in the fridge for an hour or two before working with it, but we skipped that part.

Rolling Out Dough

Next up you want to roll it out. Remember to put flour on the table and on your rolling pin first so it doesn't stick everywhere. You want to roll it out so it is quite thin, but not so thin that it is going to tear. At this point we remember to put the oven on too. Pre-heat to 170°C.

Pastry In Muffin ray

We are using a muffin tray to make our little pie's. Remember to use a little butter to wipe in each pie tin to make sure they aren't going to stick to the bottom once cooked. Using a circular cutter (or a jar lid if you don't have one) cut the dough into circles ensuring the base and sides are covered. The sides of the pie should meet the top of the tin. Do this to make several pie's but remember to keep a little dough left over for the tops.

Apple Pie Filling

To make the pie filling, we peeled and chopped up a couple of apples (chop them so they are pretty small as your pie's are only little), then add in a hand full of raisons. Mix them together with a tablespoon or two of brown sugar and a little flour. Its amazing how this simple combination tastes SO GOOD when hot! Once mixed in, fill in each of your pies, trying to make sure they are reasonably level on the top as you don't want lumpy pies.

Oven Ready Pies

Next up, using the remaining dough you will be making the pie lids. We made classic lattice ones by cutting thin strips out of the dough and weaving them in and out like a basket over the pie filling. Remember to trim your edges once done as you want them to be neat and tidy and not stick to the pan. We also made a few other fun shapes - heart covers, star covers and a shrunken pie cover so you can peek into the filling.
You can have a lot of fun customizing these!
To get that yummy golden brown glaze, remember to brush the lids with a little egg before putting in the oven. All you need to do now is stick them in for about 15-2o mins until brown on the top and smelling delicious!

Apple Pie

Aaaaah! Good work!
Let them cool for a good 10-15 mins before eating as that filling will be as hot as the sun when it comes out of the oven. Put the kettle on and get ready for the best apple pie you will ever taste. It's homemade after-all!

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