20 May 2011

DIY: How To Make Rolled Fabric Flowers

For today's tutorial, we will be showing you how to make these super cute fabric rolled flowers. We are big fans of using every last scrap of fabric we buy so these are the perfect way to get the most out of your material and saving the environment. Winner!

As we are very into our Japanese tradition of gift wrapping, we have made ours to garnish our Etsy packages. These eco-flowers are also great as necklaces, bracelets, cards and hot gluing onto anything you can get your hands on. You can even update your shoes for the summer. Hooray!

So, lets get started.
All you need is your fabric scraps, a hot glue gun and as we are using ours for gift wrap, we will be sticking our fabric flowers onto fat ribbon. These are so easy to make you can do it during the commercial breaks. We can't seem to sit still in Vivid HQ so this is the perfect project for idle hands!

First up, fold your thin scrap of fabric in half. Take one end and start rolling it in until you can get a handle on it. Then simply start twisting the fabric repeatedly as you roll it into a wheel. The more you twist it, the wider it will be. Continue doing so until you get a pinch-able size...

Next up, get your glue gun out! Make sure you are working on a scrap surface as you don't want hot glue on your sofa. On the back of the flower, squeeze out a few hot blobs of glue to hold the layers in place. We found that you don't need too much as they are quite well behaved. Remember to leave it a few seconds to cool so you don't loose your finger tips too!

Continue rolling until you are happy with the size and hot glue a secondary time to secure your new layers. We made ours quite small, but if you are making them as a dress accessory you may want to make them humongous (we would!) Once complete, fold over the end of the fabric scrap to smooth out the back. Glue this in place and trim off the excess fabric to give you a nice flat surface for attachment.

TaDa! Isn't he lovely?
Repeat steps 1 - 6 until he has lots of friends. If you are bunching them together like we have, pop a little glue to each side to make sure they stick together. Then you are ready to go! Get that glue gun out to attach these to everything in site. Jam jar lids, organizing stations, hair bands - nothing is safe now!

Good work!
We hope you have fun making everything pretty!


  1. Thanks for sharing your idea, well just in time as I am looking for a new hobby to deal with my spare time this season, indeed it's lovely and too creative, luckily I still have an extra perfect fabric for it, I'll look forward to make some.

    1. Aww! Brilliant :D I hope you have a lot of fun playing around with these :D
