5 Feb 2011

DIY: How To Make The Ultimate Surprise Proposal With a A Kinder Egg!

Hello! Vivid are off to a wedding today, and we are pretty excited about it. Although we have no designs on getting married (at our age!?!), we decided that this would be the perfect day to share with you our Proposal Tutorial - Valentines day is only round the corner afterall!

So, you are going to propose to your lucky lady, but you don't have a clue how to pop the question? Never fear, Vivid are herr! This tutorial is super easy, and can be customized for many occasions, so even if it's not a ring hidden inside, you are bound to delight with this
Kinder Egg Surprise!

First up, you need to unwrap your egg. Do it really carefully and try and keep the shape of the foil as close to the egg shape as possible - it needs to go back on later! Next up, split the egg as gently as possible to keep the seems - you may want to use a scalpel for this to ensure you crack the egg where you want. Dont worry if you dont get it precisely down the seam, as long as you get them in two separate pieces (and not loads of shards) you will be fine! Then remove the plastic pod of joy and empty the fun-ness that is inside.

Now, as we all know, Kinders always contain those little instructions. Take a pretty strip of paper and write your note inside. If you are popping the question, enter "Will you marry me" here! Next up, roll up the paper with the secret message at the start, so you will have to unravel the whole thing to get the message. Then, tie it up with super cute string.

Hooray! Now you can place your engagement ring or other super cute secret surprise and message inside the pod of joy. It just got a whole lot more joyous!

The best way to seal up the egg is to use some white chocolate. We want there to be no hints that this Kinder Egg has been tampered with! Melt a few chocolate buttons and use a toothpick to apply it to the egg...

As the chocolate cools down and hardens quite quickly, the best thing to do is use the toothpick to put a few blobs around the whole of the egg rim. Try not to make the blobs...too blobby... as a little will come out of the seams when placed together. This will happen a little when you match the two halves together, but using your finger, smooth around the edges and they will disappear and your egg will be sealed!

Well done! That is the trickiest part out of the way! Pop your egg in the fridge to ensure the chocolate hardens and crack yourself a beer open to celebrate.

You have just created the worlds GREATEST Kinder Egg!

Once you have finnished your drink, you will be able to take the egg out and start wrapping. This can be a little fiddly, but take your time; it is time well spent! If it looks a little smouched, you can just produce it from your pocket/bag and say "it got a little squashed in my pocket" - your lady will be so blown away by the site of the Kinder Egg alone that
she'll never suspect a thing!

Now all you have to do is kick back and wait until the right moment. Vivid wish you luck with your proposal adventure! We hope you enjoyed our tutorial ... but if not,
at least you won a prize out of it ...

Everyone is a winner!

Thanks for dropping by and hope to see you at our next tutorial!


  1. this is the coolest idea ever!! Unfortunately im already engaged but these are my fiancé and i's favour chocolates and we have been searching everywhere trying to find a DIY kinder egg but this is an even better idea! Thanks a bunch !!

    1. Aww! I love that story! If I were you I'd keep it a secret and do it at christmas or valentines day... maybe it could be done as the start of a treasure hunt? Ooooh! The possibilities are endless :B
