7 Dec 2010

London Calling!

We are lucky enough to escape the Scottish snow for 4 days by sneaking in a cheeky visit to the UK's capital. Vivid's goal during this adventure is to research research research! It's a jam packed mission of markets, museums and musings!
Somehow we also squeeze in a visit to the Queen, but that is another story!

Our ramble takes us to Shoreditch; Vivid HQ for the next few days, where we walk past these beauties daily. Ouch! This has inspired Vivid to try harder. We want one...each!

When the window displays contain Ukulele's, Silvanian Families and plastic caravans, you can rest assured that some good has come of the recession! Phew!

Before even achieving number one on Vivid's To Do List, we are blown away by our surroundings. The street art in London is awe inspiring; chipped portraits in the wall, building sized birds and grand gramophones make us want to illustrate all day long! We hope these artists make money from their talents!

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