3 Nov 2010

Vivid Love to Wee!

Vivid just had a wee. We like wee things almost as we like to wee....

Check it our Top 5 Wee’s!

The Infamous Wee Paper Cranes
When Vivid first met, Vi told Vid she always wanted to learn how to make them. So Vid learned how to, and surprised her one day with the most beautiful paper crane she has ever seen! Vid then taught Vi how to make them, and Vivid have been doing it ever since!
Yeah, I wish all boys were like that too!

The Wee Eraser Collection
Remember when you were at school and novelty rubbers (for erasing your mistakes that is! Naughty!), were all the rage? Wee burgers and wee animals, wee teddy's and wee coke cans....we could go on forever! Well, Vivid never grew out of that stage. And we have decided that collecting wee novelty rubbers is key to having a happy life!

Wee Dinners
Now, don't get us wrong here, Vivid love dinner time. However, Vivid particularly love it when their dinner comes in tiny forms...
All Hail the Chicken Nugget!

Wee Bugs
Who doesn't enjoy insects? No, not the ones that nip you or bug you like those fruit flies that seem to exist for no apparent reason apart from annoying the hell out of you - we are talking about the only ones that really matter...
The cute ones!

Wee Desert
Oh yes, the only thing Vivid love more than dinner, is the desert. And if it involves Hundreds and Thousands, you can count Vivid in!

We hope you enjoy these things too!

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